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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...mp;showfile=727
  2. I don't think they sell parts for the ash tray - only the whole ashtray.
  3. Yes, that is suggested here many places.
  4. Egas cars up to and including MY01. That is a DME 7.2.
  5. Please do not double post - you already posted this in the Cayenne DIY section.
  6. From the service manual...
  7. First "Model Year" for TT was 2001. Cars were built in 2000 but they were Model Year 2001 cars.
  8. A junk decoder that someone wrote and gave me a copy. It works sometimes but not always.
  9. :welcome:
  10. Richard - did you look in the DME Vehicle Data? Sometimes they put the code in there so you can look it up.
  11. Removing and Installing Rear Lid Support Struts Note: Part numbers sometimes change without notice. Always double check with your supplier that you have the latest part numbers. Parts Needed: 955.512.550.03 Rear Lid Dampers (2 required) Removal Notes: - To remove the pneumatic springs, they must be in idle state: rear lid open. - The rear lid must be secured against accidental closure after removing the pneumatic springs. - Pneumatic springs must not be opened using force extreme internal pressure. Note: Some of the interior lining piece Author Loren Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Maintenance Submitted 05/28/2007 05:46 PM Updated 06/23/2010 01:29 PM
  12. Note: Part numbers sometimes change without notice. Always double check with your supplier that you have the latest part numbers. Parts Needed: 955.512.550.03 Rear Lid Dampers (2 required) Removal Notes: - To remove the pneumatic springs, they must be in idle state: rear lid open. - The rear lid must be secured against accidental closure after removing the pneumatic springs. - Pneumatic springs must not be opened using force extreme internal pressure. Note: Some of the interior lining pieces can be fragile so handle them with care. 1. Open rear window and rear lid. 2. Remove rear roof lining: - Unclip interior light on the roof lining. - Pull off plug. - Unclip roof lining at marked positions. To do so, lift the lining slightly at the rear and lever the clip connection out using a screwdriver. 3. Remove the D−pillar trim: Note: When unclipping the D−pillar trim using a tool, make sure not to damage the electrical wires lying behind it and the head airbag. - Open cover for luggage compartment net partition. - Unscrew fastening screw. - Unclip D−pillar trim (5 locations in the middle) from the interior D−pillar. To do so, raise trim slightly and lever out the fastening clips using a screwdriver. - Unclip D−pillar trim where it joins rear side trim. - Unclip D−pillar trim from interior D−pillar at the bottom. To do so, raise trim slightly and lever out the fastening clips using a screwdriver. - Only in vehicles with BOSE sound system: Pull off plug from the loudspeaker. - Remove D−pillar trim. 4. Remove rear grab handles at left and right: - Unfold grab handle, Unclip cover, Unscrew fastening screws. - Remove grab handle. 5. Unscrew the fastening screws . 6. Unclip and remove the deformation element. 7. Cut open the bonded joint on the cover with a knife and remove the cover. 8. Remove any sealant residue on the cover and on the body. 9. Secure rear lid so that it cannot fall shut accidentally. It is very heavy and one strut will not hold it up. 10. Loosen the retaining clips on the pneumatic spring for the rear lid at the ball sockets using a screwdriver and remove the clips. 11. Pull the pneumatic spring for the rear lid from the ball heads and remove. Installation 1. Place the retaining clips on the pneumatic spring for the rear lid at the ball sockets and press into position. 2. Press the pneumatic spring for the rear lid on to the ball heads until the retaining clips engage perceptibly. 3. Apply Klebt und Dichtet sealant to the cover and stick on the cover. Note: After sticking on the cover, allow the sealant to dry for about 60 minutes. 4. Position and clip in the deformation element . 5. Insert the fastening screws and tighten to the 2 ftlbs (3 Nm). 6. Install rear grab handles at left and right (reverse of above). 7. Install D−pillar trim (reverse of above). 8. Install rear roof lining (reverse of above). 9. Remove the rear lid bracing device and carefully test the lid. Note: Be sure to see the DIY Video that Contributing Member rizzo put together - here
  13. That DSP is for the older "wired" systems (MY02 and older). I doubt it would be very easy to interface it to a MOST (fiber optic) based system that you have in your car. From what I've heard about the DSP - it was not very good anyway.
  14. And you want to put it in what model and model year car?
  15. Removing and Installing Rear Lid Support Struts
  16. You would basically be building a GT2 since your car does not have 4 wheel drive. A 2WD Turbo/GT2 is a handful even for an experienced driver (IMHO). I do not know if the intercoolers will fit under narrow body rear fenders. Other concerns would be a fuel delivery (TT has always had the returnless system that your car does not have) and cooling (needs larger ducts and radiators). Might be an easier project in a C4S but a narrow body would have some real challenges. All IMHO of course...
  17. Well, OBD II is different for Europe than the US - in the US you will get a CEL with the MAF disconnected (in a day or so). If the car runs better with the MAF disconnected then that is one of the problems. I think you need to replace it and see if any other codes come up.
  18. They operate together in two stages. At the prescribed temperature both sides turn on to stage 1 (lower speed). If the temperature continues to rise to the next level OR if the AC is turned on the both fans turn on to stage 2 (fast speed). If a ballast is bad (on one side) or a fuse is blown or the fan motor is bad - then the fan on that side will start.
  19. Try 7103 or 7101
  20. Check for a loose swaybar mounts. These almost always need to be re-tightened on new cars.
  21. Perhaps the headlight you have is: 996.631.154.01? (164.01 does not exist) I think an 01 designation is for from MY98 and has the orange under the headlight whereas the .20 would be a clear head light (both are Halogen headlights not Xenon).
  22. No you don't need to remove the engine. You will likely need to remove the rear wheels (unless you have access to a hoist).
  23. The buckle attaches to the seat frame and one side of the belt. The belt mechanism itself attaches to the chassis. Here are both of the seat bolts. 999.075.072.09 Fastening bolt (buckle) 803.019.811.B Fastening bolt (end of belt) 211.857.771 Washer for belt bolt
  24. You will have to look at the back of your CDR-23 - there should be "wired" plugs. What you can not use is the MOST fiber optic connector.
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