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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If the leak is a head gasket then they can replace the head gasket - without removing the engine. If there is coolant in the oil then problem is much larger - in that case an exchange engine would likely be less expensive. They really need to determine where the leak is coming from.
  2. Looks like they need to find out if that oil is dripping down from the top of the engine or whether it is a leaking head gasket.
  3. I don't understand your question. Do you mean ignition keys? or do you mean code keys for the NAV system?
  4. Do you have a pic? Those are discontinued part numbers.
  5. Normal, it opens and closes all the time.
  6. Well, you will need to get under the car (safely) and inspect the connector/wiring and repair it if needed.
  7. I would clean the wiring connector and inspect it for damage.
  8. IMHO 10 miles is not enough. When I added my third radiator I bleed the system and topped up the coolant tank daily for over 1 week. Then it stabilized and I haven't added anything since.
  9. Just because your car was built with the older version of the seal does not mean it will leak. Still it would be wise to have your dealer check for leaks before your warranty runs out. If they find any be sure it is noted on the repair order - so you proof the issue was there when you were still under warranty. But, like I said it may never leak - only a small percentage ever do.
  10. I would reverse step 2 and 3. The key activates the airbag circuit - even when the car is off. So, you want to disconnect the battery first.
  11. Yes, you can use the Porsche 17 mm spacers (on the rear only) with those wheels.
  12. You can always look things up in the Glossary... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...;id=1&st=45
  13. A MY2000 does not have an idle control valve it is an egas car. I would likely start by looking for air leaks and also to see if the throttle butterfly is "carboned-up" and needs cleaning.
  14. Fault 49 Belt buckle, passenger
  15. I think you need someone to run the tests on your O2 sensors.
  16. 996? I have a 986! I dont recall seeing a DME Tests section - but I'll have a look tonight. Cheers, Jules You posted in the 996 forum. Just go to the 986 section - it has the same test.
  17. US car? If so, under the dash to left of the steering wheel.
  18. Go to your model (996) then to DME. Once you have the DME tests scroll down to Short Test.
  19. No, power and ground come in on the green connector (several pins).
  20. Have you checked fuse B10? Also make sure all the cable to the back of the cluster are properly plugged in and locked.
  21. From what I can tell it pretty much has to be a problem in the clutch master cylinder or the accumulator.
  22. Not really - just don't crack the plastic.
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