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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Congrats! and :welcome:
  2. Which item(s) please?
  3. It works fine for me - just click on the link.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=3939
  5. Recall laws vary by country. In the US a "recall" is a government ordered action. Whereas manufacturers can also do voluntary service actions - Porsche calls these Workshop Campaigns. Workshop Campaigns are usually done the next time your vehicle is in the dealers workshop for any other service. Workshop Campaigns are covered in Porsche's TSB system. Contributing Members can view all the Porsche TSBs here. US Recalls can be found at: http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems...ecallsearch.cfm
  6. You need the dealer version PET with complete part location and the workshop manuals so you can do some services yourself. If you need these ( and its obvious you do.. email or PM me) Here is a sample to show you a bit from the 997 workshop manuals. Is the procedure the same for a 996? Thank you, Phillipj Yes.
  7. Is it water or coolant (sweet smell). If it is coolant then you likely have a heater core/hose leak. If it is condensation water then your drain line is likely plugged.
  8. 1. Water channel 2. Water collection tray 3. Water drain tube 4. Water channel, side section 5. Evaporator of heating and air-conditioning system 6. Tank tray 7. Radiator tank 8. Inner panel of convertible top compartment lid and http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=69808
  9. Scouser has updated his excellent VIN Decoder. The VIN Decoder is here. Now includes a built in help and explanation of each value. Many thanks to Scouser for his continued efforts, work, and updates to this fine tool! :clapping:
  10. Model and year of car please...
  11. Let me know if Gert confirms that they work in a 996TT. Thanks!
  12. What color? The seat pads are a separate number as well the mounting rails? BTW... Carnewal.com likely has a complete kit.
  13. I can't remember but aren't there self taping screws that hold those pieces in. Maybe they are buried in the rubber/felt pieces?
  14. Hmm... retail is $62.83. Maybe he should have tried Sunset Imports (Porsche parts at Dealer Cost).
  15. You can use a PST2 also (that many shops have). In many cases no calibration is needed - but it is still safe to check it.
  16. 2nd post from the top of this page ;)
  17. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect June 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For June 2007 the price lists support - US: 213,542 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
  18. You should have this problem if your car was built after the date below: From TSB 3/00 1728 Lack of Oil Pressure on Start Up -- dated 7-27-00.
  19. I don't see any difference in the springs - just the sport shocks.
  20. I would drain the oil and look for coolant in the oil. If there is none then you still need to find the source of your leak. You are going to need find someone that can at least do that. For all you know someone spilled oil on the engine and it is slowly dripping down.
  21. Other than the smoke - how does the engine run? smooth? or rough?
  22. I didn't say that -- I said they need to find the source of the leak. You can not tell from the picture.
  23. Those look like 3.4 mufflers to me ( I have an identical set in the garage).
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