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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Almost no difference between a MY99 and MY00 C2. Egas and minor trim changes.
  2. I think you are going to have to look at the pads to determine whether they can be reused. If there are deep scores already then I wouldn't reuse them. With both new rotors and used (or new pads) you will have some bedding in to do. Maybe a little longer with used pads.
  3. Probably the least expensive solution would be somebody like Oklahoma Foreign. They have a good reputation for used parts.
  4. Yes, some twist and pull off very hard. I suggest lower the top and be careful you don't hit yourself when it comes off.
  5. Many of the option know have a setscrew. Lift the leather boot and look for a set screw -- if there is none then just twist and pull to remove.
  6. No screwdriver. On your year car there should be be two tabs that squeeze on each side of the connector.
  7. I do not know of a "blank" replacement - but a body shop might have an idea or two. If the clips and the base are installed correctly and not broken then the flaps should work like hinges.
  8. If those numbers don't work then you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. As I recall Becker charges $35 so you might want to try your dealer first.
  9. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    There is only one PET and it is updated monthly - to all dealers worldwide.
  10. To the right of the battery, on the firewall, is a rubber plug. Cut an X in it and pass the wires through.
  11. The GPS antenna is Porsche part number 996.642.206.00. I show a US MSRP of 93.48 USD. Make sure you get the cable too. You can probably get a CD on eBay or from NAVTEQ. The security code will have to come from Becker. You will be asked for the serial number of the unit and also likely for some proof of ownership.
  12. It sounds like you have a wire in the wrong place. Or, the wrong relay in the wrong position.
  13. Have you checked fuses B9 and E9?
  14. Perhaps you are confusing the bumper pieces with the underbody covers?
  15. They are all the same MY99-MY05.
  16. The underbody covers don't change whether you have an aerokit or not.
  17. The image would imply that but I see nothing in the parts list that would validate that. Best ask your ordering dealer.
  18. 996.111.108.00 Clamp -- MSRP $11.96 each (as of July 2007)
  19. Did you check the main fuse and the one behind the radio?
  20. As I recall a 1/8 inch drill bit in the center of the rivet. Keep the drill straight. You will have holes to plug up.
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