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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 2835 or 2837
  2. Carburator cleaner , fuel injector cleaner, etc. A spray can version will be easier to use. Most of these contain primarily lacquer thinner so keep them away from any painted surfaces.
  3. Yes there are likely two issues. One is that the cluster needs to be the same model/version - the clusters change in MY03 Boxster and also Tipronic clusters are different than manual transmission clusters. Second the cluster should be programmed for the options in your car like location, temperature (F or C), specific car options etc., etc. Any cluster with over 52 miles can not have the mileage changed by a dealer only a certified instrument repair shop (like Palo Alto Speedometer can do that. It would be good if you would put your "real" location in so we could suggest someone to program your cluster for you.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14785
  5. 996.613.535.00 is the correct part number. I have found parts with Mercedes logs, BMW logo, and VW logos... and I think the climate control has an Audi logo. Now we know why Porsche is profitable. :lol:
  6. Try 6885 or 6887
  7. Not unless you are really really thin. Most folks find it easiest to remove the rear wheels to remove the mufflers. That way when you remove the 3 bolts on the hanger bracket (and the sleeve on the cats) the muffler just rotates down and out.
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I never thought of that - good one Chuck!
  9. I just back the rear tires up on 2 set of 2 x10 boards (so roughly 4 inches) and that is enough room and still keeps the car pretty level. If you wanted absolute level then put 2 sets of 2 x 10's under the front tires too.
  10. I don't think that would hurt but Porsche does not specify that.
  11. Take it to a body shop the works on Porsches. They can tell you. Prices will vary so get 2 or 3 quotes.
  12. Correct. cat = catalytic converter , also know as TWC Three Way Catalytic converter.
  13. Nope, the smaller the number the better.
  14. You have removed one variable of many - so far so good. My advice still to get a CarFax, ask for any service records, get a PPI. BTW... Where are you located and where is the car located?
  15. Have you tried clicking on the "Quick Menu" at the top of the page? There are many special features available there including a TSB listing. Regular Members see only a dated list of TSBs but Contributing Members can view a PDF of any TSB. Other benefits of becoming a Contributing Member can be found at How to become a Contributing Member.
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=39107
  17. That is a TechArt after market kit.
  18. The car looks great - congratulations. Now that I see the car is new... Has the dealer run the Porsche PIWIS handover program? This is required for the car to configure country setting and the like.
  19. Here is the list for the RoW set. It would surprise me that the individual parts are cheaper. Have you tried Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer cost) pricing?
  20. Porsche art numbers (for suspension parts) are 11 numbers - several of your numbers have more - so I can't look them up. What are you trying to accomplish?
  21. Maybe - the outside mirror function is now in the door electronics control unit.
  22. Door rattle (and other interior rattles) have fixes in the TSB section. Since you are a Contributing Memeber you can read any of those TSBs. Rattles in the engine compartment are usually a heat shield or a muffler with a broken weld -- very rarely a cat. A thump when going over a bump is likely a loose rear swaybar.
  23. :welcome: If you have a US car then item 1 and 2 are the same. You can buy the parts individually or in a kit. You could also go with a coilover kit and set your own ride height. If you go that route I would suggest using the GT3 swaybars.
  24. Not at this time. If it were out in distribution we would have it.
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