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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I seem to recall that it takes a few minutes to re-calibrate and it may need the disk for that too.
  2. As far as I know the only place you can get a NAV code is from a dealer.
  3. Well, another option is the Durametric Software. A 3 car use license and cable are $247. Very useful if you ever need to reset the airbag light or have a CEL.
  4. You need to check Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - link at the top of the page) price on a remote - they are under $100.
  5. Where are you located? Perhaps a member with the Durametric Software or a PST2 will reset it for you - for free.
  6. Remote windows and top are already a feature of the Porsche system - but they were not offered in the US. As I recall you need a 2 or 3 button key and then reprogram the alarm/central locking controller to a European country. You will need a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester to do the reprogramming. Porsche had sold schematics on their tech website in the past (for $110 each) - but I now see that feature is gone from their site.
  7. :welcome: Yes, the shocks and springs are different due top the weight and weight distribution differences. There are also differences for a 6 speed vs. a Tiptronic - for the same reasons.
  8. This thread is now closed.
  9. Why? If your car is overheating it is not because the fans are running too slow. Did you know Cup Cars have no fans?
  10. Porsche Sport Exhaust mufflers for a MY04 - on C4S. If you plan to use these on a narrow body car you will likely need to swap the hangers from your old mufflers (so they will line up properly).
  11. Any shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and your VIN's IPAS code can code a key for you. Your IPAS code must be obtained by the car owner from a Porsche dealer/OPC.
  12. Please keep it friendly (and helpful) here folks...
  13. It works fine for me.... "With the ignition on, hold the adjustment button (the one that looks like a clock) to the left for about 4 seconds."
  14. The MY03 Owners Manual here should be pretty close. The answer is on page 71.
  15. Um... the link points you to instructions and a complete parts list - did you look at it?
  16. :welcome: Add a CD Changer With the factory stock suspension - no. With race level coilovers - probably. But then coilovers will rattle your teeth too. :lol:
  17. :welcome: Have you read your Owner's Manual yet? ;)
  18. Aerokit Cup is for cars prior to MY2002 (MY1999-2001). Aerokit Cup II is for the facelift cars MY2002 - on.
  19. Where are you located? There are some tests you can run with a PST2 (or PIWIS) that should help narrow it down.
  20. Do both front radiators get warm?
  21. What color are the two wires? (so we can see if the previous owner did any rewiring) Also check the relay and see that it is the right part number.
  22. No need to re-post I have moved the topic to the proper forum.
  23. If those don't work then either the serial number you gave me is wrong or your radio is in the 5% that my little program doesn't work on. Try contacting your dealer or Becker. I know Becker charges for this service but some dealers will do it for free.
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