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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Technically any MOST items that are removed should have them "turned off" using a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  2. Did you look in the Cayenne DIY section - a couple different approaches are there.
  3. This was covered in the News area over a month ago http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14950
  4. What fan? front fender fans? or engine compartment fan? Sounds like the first thing you need to do is replace your ignition switch - before it completely fails.
  5. As I said before I think it is doubtful that both sensors would go bad at the same time. If you do not have confidence in your shop take it to a qualified dealer.
  6. 1. Much of Porsche's OBD II information is customized to Porsche. If you plan on doing your work then I would recommend a product like the Durametric Software (http://www.durametric.com). 2. Try sending a PM to member Porschelibrarian - he seems to be able to get them. 3. Not if you follow manual procedures and document your work.
  7. I personally have yet to see either an after market or Porsche sport muffler system produce even 1 BHP more than you already had. For my feelings on some of these hyped products see my blog here.
  8. On item 1 we will need your interior color code to get the right part number. As well we need to know whether it is a "full leather" dash or the standard "padded dash". Item 2. is: 955.552.126.00 Support - fountain pen -- MSRP $10.24.
  9. If you are in the US I doubt any dealer will do it for you - for liability reasons. I think a shop with a PIWIS tester can do it - they might make you sign a waiver though.
  10. I think it is doubtful that both sensors would go bad at the same time. I think I would start by checking the wiring.
  11. Porsche names this stuff not me... ;)
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...dpost&p=882
  13. All the cars built in MY03 and after have fiber optic links (MOST) to the Amps, CD-Changer, and NAV system and radio (CDR-23).
  14. I just stick the nozzle on my air hose in there and give it a couple blasts. Good luck! Where do you put the air hose, and do you have to pull the wheel/drain cover to make this work? Thanks! http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=77264
  15. The problem is that you a a MOST (fiber optic) linked sound system in your car. To replace it requires adding wiring for a traditional sound system.
  16. There are 24 pages of the wiring diagram for that model year - can you narrow down what circuit it is in? (What fuse blows?)
  17. Yes, you are correct - I should have stated that more clearly. It's not pressure it is vacuum. My bad...
  18. Try 8522 or 8524 Do a search here there have been a couple of folks that have bought the display on eBay and then made the modification for them to work.
  19. Yes, easier if you remove the headlight first they just snap in and out.
  20. Some shops have a gauge that replaces the oil filler cap - they use that to see the crankcase pressure. High crankcase pressure is usually a sure sign of AOS or bellows failure.
  21. Try 8534 or 8536
  22. Sorry, I don't think Porsche sells it separately - I don't find it in the parts list.
  23. They should be marked on the wheel near the valve stem.
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