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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Ok - those are in different controller sections not the DME. You will need to transfer the VIN to the DME (and any other appropriate info). The Alarm/immobilizer are transfered in the Alarm settings.
  2. Not possible - fault codes turn the CEL on.
  3. If the CEL was on then there had to be fault codes. Ask them what the fault codes were. Without the fault codes - everything is a guess.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=1868
  5. I don't think you can copy individual DME settings - you can only copy whole DME program and transfer it.
  6. 997-605-116-00 is the X51 part. I don't know if that will fit a standard distributor tube - the X51 gets a different one of those too. What are you trying to do?
  7. No different than the DIY(s) on a Boxster or Carrera.
  8. The published version (CD or print) comes out usually 3-4 months after the date of the TSB. That is when we (and dealers get them). We pay about $475 a year for this service. The PIWIS version is out faster but it is electronic only (and PIWIS updates cost $18,000 per year).
  9. The Millennium wheels were polished and then coated with clear paint according to TSB 10/99 4440 Special Model 911 “Millennium” Wheels -- dated 11-16-1999. It mentions care for scratches nothing about flaking. Are you sure it isn't clear coat flaking?
  10. 999.500.092.00 Nut -- MSRP $2.94 (each)
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=2588
  12. When RFM says "Key 2" I think he is referring to the other ignition key that came with your car.
  13. I would look for a bent heat shield around the mufflers.
  14. Yes and no... If it is a bad sensor probably not. If it is a stuck thermostat then possibly.
  15. TC was only MY99 so you don't have it. I doubt Porsche would carry both parts if either would work. Maybe Tool Pants remembers what those connect to - I don't off the top of my head. Maybe seat heaters?
  16. Likely that you either you have a bad sensor or your thermostat is stuck open all the time.
  17. Do you have PSM? MY99 did not - it had TC.
  18. Not according to the parts list. MY00 and 01 are interchangeable but not MY99. I do not know the reason why.
  19. PM me your VIN and I'll see what I can do.
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=29500
  21. DO NOT use a pickle fork. Use the tool described here.
  22. Take them out clean the grooves and then re-install them. Do a search I posted the instruction a while back.
  23. That part has been changed (design change) so you will likely have to replace both. You will need the ball joint tool described elsewhere here and of course you will need an alignment for the rear of the car.
  24. Early is up to the new style cluster which was MY02 in Carrera's and MY03 in Boxster's (as I recall).
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