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Everything posted by Loren

  1. P1124 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold This means that the DME is seeing too lean a fuel condition and that it can not make the mixture rich enough to compensate for it. P0445 EVAP Canister Purge Valve - Short to B+/Short to Ground These can be caused by an air leak (or an MAF that is giving false readings to the DME). If you only had the P1124 and P1126 I would say clean and/or replace your MAF - but since you also have a P0455 I would look for other intake air leaks in your engine compartment.
  2. Pads go to hazardous waste disposal (same location as oil, brake fluid, paint, etc.). Rotors go to metal recycling. At least that is how they do it where I live (near Sacramento).
  3. This is only a guess... but I would guess that a previous owner had an after market radio put in. Then we he sold the car he took the 3rd party radio out and hastily put the original radio back in not taping the wires or checking for hazards. That would be my guess - because I do not understand why any "normal" Porsche part would not have just blown a fuse or at worst taken out just one component.
  4. Check the Maintenance Checklists.
  5. If this is a track car use the GT3 Cup Car switches.
  6. That will depend on wheel size. 16, 17, or 18" wheels?
  7. Sure - that's what I told my wife when we bought our C4 Cab a few months ago :rolleyes: I'm about due for an oil change, which would be my first self inflicted one for this car. Is the meet in P-ville or Roseville? Roseville (Northwest side)
  8. Sorry, I misunderstood. Try 000.044.500.27 Lowering Kit 10 mm -- MY02-05 Coupe
  9. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1512You should read through the whole thread. I added the factory instructions near the end.
  10. They can not be changed after 52 miles - I think it is a legal issue.
  11. The LSD transmission is listed in the US parts list also - so a dealer should be able to tell you if it will work with your car. I would expect that the PASM and ABS controllers need to told (programmed) for the change.
  12. Sometime you can tell by rapping the muffler with with a rubber mallet. Or take it off the car and shake it.
  13. That is what I thought. No chance they would cover that under warranty eh?
  14. Why would you be replacing the O2 sensors on such a new car?
  15. I suspect your car is "in between". Your car was built during the time they were changing over from PCCB ver1 to PCCB ver 2. You need to ask your dealer to give you a copy of TSB 3620 that describes which cars get which pads/hardware. I think the TSB is fairly new and we don't have it yet here. IMHO if you have version 1 then you are likely better off to convert to steel. But if you have version 2 then I would stick with them as they are much improved.
  16. RennTech.org (not RennTech.com) ;)
  17. Yes and no. Yes they plug in but you also have to unbolt them from the exhaust.
  18. Have you tried a new battery in your remote?
  19. If you get a new cluster yes - if you get a used cluster (with more than 52 miles) then you will have whatever is on that cluster. Unless you see a speedometer specialty shop.
  20. Are you sure it is the mount and not a broken weld in the muffler?
  21. No that is correct. Yes you will need to reprogram both. Todd Holyoak (tholyoak) has done this conversion you might try sending him a PM for some tips...
  22. 000.044.500.35 Lowering Kit 30 mm -- MY02-05 Coupe
  23. Just to be clear are you coding key and/or the alarm unit or are you coding the DME? or?
  24. Seems they don't want to share much... who is the dealer? What the codes are that are "just misfire codes" are still important. Are they all on the same bank (1-3 or 4-6) or both banks? Are they 300 series misfires which are damaging to the cats? or are they 1300 series codes that are emission relevant?
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