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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The only things between the fuse and the window motor are the switches and the relay. If the switches are not shorted or the relay is not bad then it has to be one of the motors.
  2. Maybe and maybe not. I've heard a little bit of seepage is normal. According to tech friend - Porsche actually sent a memo out telling them they were not going to honor warranty for changing water pumps that had the white crusty buildup and did not have broken impellers or cracked housings.
  3. The pump is in the left front fender. Either a hose has come off, or the pump is not working, or the tank is cracked and leaking.
  4. The phone prep goes to two fuse on the right fuse box.
  5. Look for a phone prep plug (similar to the 986/996) under the passenger seat or in the center console - depending on your options.
  6. This is likely the switch in the door handle. Please do a search as this has been covered here several times.
  7. 50 mm front and 45 mm rear for stock 18" wheels. 50 mm front and 63 mm rear are allowed if a 17 mm spacer is used (18" wheels).
  8. You likely need a firmware update (done by your Porsche dealer).
  9. Sorry - $274.55 is the correct MSRP Price list should be fixed now.
  10. Sept 2007 price came in a different format - let me try and fix it so the prices are correct again.
  11. Please do a search - that has been covered many many times...
  12. Replacing the Coolant Reservoir on a MY99 996
  13. Durametric can not do this at this time. Where in California are you located?
  14. Look for a cracked tank or split hose (when it cools down).
  15. Leaky caps or cracked tanks - sorry but that is 99% of the leaks.
  16. Try 0147 or 0149
  17. Lower center of the crankcase and bottom of the oil tank. If you are not sure where those are then find someone that knows - where are you located?
  18. A 997 GT3 oil change is the same as the 996 GT3 oil change -- not the 996 Carrera. See the 996 GT3 Oil Change DIY here.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=36348
  20. The book says 320 time units - that would be just over 3 hours.
  21. I wonder what the difference between the radiator from the 3rd radiator(from the kit) and the tiptronic radiator is,is it strictly the plumbing? The only difference is the hoses and their routing.
  22. We just added the MY2008 Order Guide for the Turbo (Coupe and Cab). Thanks to Eric at Bumperplugs.com!
  23. Not quite... There are 3 ways (that I know of that it can be plumbed). 1. As a normal Tiptronic cooler - in this case the hoses cool the Tip transmission. 2. As a normal GT3 where the hoses cool the GT3 manual transmission. 3. The mod way (as above) - where it adds additional cooling capacity for the engine. If you put a bumper on with upper vents (like a GT3 Cup car bumper or GT2 bumper) then the radiator get tilted the other direction and the ducts need to change too.
  24. Go back to the stock filter for your testing and I would try CRC Sensor cleaner. MAF's are too expensive to not try and salvage one.
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