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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 2845 or 2847
  2. Chuck, Congrats! Bring the new car to the work on cars day (next Saturday) and we'll put the PST2 on it.
  3. 68Y does not show in my engine code list - are you sure it is not 68X?
  4. The 3.4 X51 was only offered on RoW cars - not US/Canada cars. Here are the specs:
  5. Model year please and US/Canada or RoW car?
  6. :welcome: As I recall the center slides forward and the two side ones slide up and off. The side ones can likely be pried off but the center should slide.
  7. Pretty much - it sounds like small vacuum cleaner to me.
  8. The short chirp means that an alarm zone is open - usually the center console storage or a bad microswitch in the center console or front trunk lock (like on Chuck's car). There is no setting on the 996 series that causes an audible chirp on locking - just the opposite no chirp (lights flash) means all zones are armed.
  9. The headlight may not be seated correctly or the headlight mount may be broken. Take the headlight out and have a look. The corner reflector will just snap out.
  10. If you search here you will find several cases where insulation has fallen into the inlet under the pollen filter. A couple of bad motors but most are as above.
  11. Remove the headlight (see your owners manual). Then carefully snap the corner piece out.
  12. I would start by getting the battery load tested.
  13. The diagrams never show all the duplicate parts (for clarity I guess). Item 3 -- 999.507.020.01 Speed Nut -- MSRP $0.21 (each)
  14. Try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - link at top of page)
  15. Can you pick out the item number here?
  16. As long as you have the correct size of Security Torx (the one with the oin in the middle).
  17. Item 7 on the front of the air intake tube.
  18. I would start by having your battery load tested.
  19. L84S = Arena Red Pearl (97-99)
  20. Yup. I post more and directions early next week.
  21. 996.631.042.00 Right mounting -- MSRP $89.09 Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  22. The schematic says it is clipped to the heater box on the driver side.
  23. :welcome:
  24. 87 octane? - your owners manual says 93 (or at least 91). I think you need to find someone that can look at your actual air flow, FRA TRA, and O2 sensor voltages.
  25. I agree with Too Pants - looks like LoJack.
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