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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Ah... the spoiler light. If you have a fixed spoiler then it is normal to come on until the car reaches 5 mph.
  2. You only need to remove the wheel to replace the wheel well lining. See the DIY for the gas flap lock - we removed the whole wheel liner there. Replacing the Gas Door Actuator
  3. Model and model year? Us/Canada car or RoW?
  4. A1 goes to the cluster B1 goes to the 8 plug socket on the engine (current distribution)
  5. Loren


    Light Weight FlyWheel
  6. 7.75 is in liters not quarts. 7.75 liter = 8.19 quart [uS, liquid] From the 987 service manual:
  7. Yes, to me that means they all start as the same shell on the production line. Different cars then get different fenders, strengthening supports, etc.
  8. According to the parts list they all start with the same body in white part number.
  9. Search is your friend... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=29574
  10. Then you should PM Porschelibrarian...
  11. The coils packs sit on the end of the spark plug connectors. So you just remove a wheel and the heat plate over the spark plugs and inspect the coil packs for cracks or damage.
  12. Boxster - 8.50 liters (8.98 US quarts)
  13. Model and model year of the car? I assume UK (RoW)?
  14. I would start by checking the microswitch on the engine cover latch.
  15. DO NOT use a pickle fork. Use the tool described here
  16. Try 7143 or 7141
  17. I have the October 2007 parts lists and they are the same for springs. The factory 997TT suspension is already a "sport" suspension but they are yet to offer 20mm lower option for RoW (like they did for the 996TT).
  18. On an RoW car (which this is) it would be M536 and it is slightly different than a US/Canada M535 car.
  19. I don't know the year of this car - or whether he had the recall attended to but there was a Voluntary Recall addressed on TSB 2/03 A307 - Check Power Steering Threaded Connection -- dated Nov 24, 2003.
  20. It is going to be some work depending on which hose. Have a look at my 3rd radiator mod writeup in the 996 DIY-Mods section. That should give you an idea of what you are into - maybe easier to get it done under warranty.
  21. Try 0844 or 0842
  22. Remove the B and C pillars. Then remove the one bolt and washer from the small end and the two nuts from the larger end. Remove the window from the bottom to the top (suction cups would be good for this. The gasket comes out to outside of the car.
  23. So is the hinge broken on the latch/lock?
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