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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sorry, you did not get a response. It would have been more helpful if you would have told folks what model year or car and which of the three different types of cupholder you were installing.
  2. 997TT is not currently on their supported cars list. Just so you know each time Porsche makes a new DME the folks at Durametric have to buy a DME (usually $1000 to $2000) and then test it to see what is different. And then add the new commands and readouts to their software. I would drop them a note and let them know what you are interested in - they have been super responsive to folks from RennTech.org. Also, keep checking their beta releases here as they are always makes changes and additions.
  3. My program does not always work. It works maybe 95% of the time but I have no expanation why it doesn't always work. At this point you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to lookup your code and some dealers do too.
  4. See the post right before yours...
  5. There is no accumulator on 996 Carrera's. If the brakes feel good then there is not likely a leak in the system. The hydraulic clutch and brakes use the same reservoir and system. Try to see if there is any binding in the pedal mechanism. Could also be your master or slave cylinder is bleeding down. Or it could be the release bearing. I think you need to remove some variable of what it isn't.
  6. Just some FYI... The Factory Parts that you can download are over 1 year old (August 2006). Please see if you can order something there. The business conditions say: "2.1 Only companies indirectly or directly involved in the maintenance and repair of Porsche standard-production vehicles as per the list published by Porsche on its website and acting as independent participants in the market in the sense of Art. 4 Para. 2 Subparagraph 4 of the REGULATION (EC) No. 1400/2002 OF THE COMMISSION of July 31, 2002 relating to the application of Art. 81 Para. 3 of the contract to groups of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the automotive sector shall be authorised. 2.2 The orderer shall assure that it is an authorised company. The orderer shall inform Porsche immediately should it cease to be an authorised company. 2.3 Other companies or consumers shall be excluded from access."
  7. You should read this first... Office Of Odometer Fraud Investigation I believe you can just file a disclosure.
  8. Yes, as long as the transmission type are the same and it is a US cluster.
  9. P0447 EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Output Stage) - Open Circuit Fault condition: Open circuit Potential causes: - Wiring harness - Shutoff valve - DME control module The OBD II codes are all on the Quick Menu items - here.
  10. :oops: My apologies - I stand corrected. As of MY02 (US) Carrera's there are only two clusters - one for 6 speed cars and one for Tiptronic. (Leaving out leather color, or leatherette color). Earlier cluster are specific for C2 and C4.
  11. I know people that don't replace the clutch in 200,000 miles -- and I know people that have to replace it every 50,000 miles. A Porsche clutch is just as robust as any other clutch - as long as you don't abuse it. It all comes down to driving style.
  12. Model and year of the car please?
  13. There are a couple of TSBs on wind noise - but they have to do with the door windows. You might want to check with your dealer - especially if you are still under warranty.
  14. So that means if I just start to get feedback and braking effect at around 4-5 clicks i'm ok. with a max height/engagement of 6-7 clicks with effort. yes? I quoted you spec. If it works it works. If you run out of travel then you will need to adjust at the rear wheels.
  15. Sorry, the parts list shows different panels for MY99, MY00, MY02, MY03-05.
  16. Try your local PCA region for independent shops with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. It takes about 2 minutes to re-program.
  17. :welcome: If you can read the option numbers then look here. Also you are missing one digit - all late model VINs are 17 digit. If it is a US car then PCNA can do a Certificate of Authenticity for you - I think they charge about $100 for that.
  18. I guess so. A Carrera cluster is not a Carrera cluster. Carrera clusters differ for 2WD and 4WD as well as 6 speed and Tiptronic. It is wrong to think that any part number like ....01 and .....02 have any relation to each other.
  19. Fuel gauge will likely be wrong.
  20. Service manual says: "The handbrake must be adjusted if the handbrake lever can be pulled up by more than 4 teeth with medium force application (without a braking effect)!"
  21. C2 and C4 differ as the gas tanks/gauges are different (4 wheel drive).
  22. I would check first and see if there is some weatherstripping or other debris jamming the fan. That has happened to a few folks. Take the pollen filter out and see if you can feel anything in the intake channel/blower.
  23. Not sure you would want to try this on your own... The service manual only shows it with the engine removed - but I think it can be done with the engine installed. You would need to position the cams and then use special tools to hold them in place. Remove the timing chains etc. etc. Where are you located? Perhaps someone can suggest an independent shop in your area that will likely be half of what a dealer would charge.
  24. Only with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Where are you located?
  25. Sorry, I have no record of a contribution from you. Could you please PM me with your PayPal email address, the date of your donation, etc.
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