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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Lost Radio Code - post your request here
  2. Right front pretty much has to be a hose or radiator. You need to pull the fender liner and have a look.
  3. Both twist and pull - the push on type fit very tight.
  4. Only the aluminum/leather and CF/leather knobs have a set screw. If there is no set screw then you have a twist off knob. Best to put the top down and pull harder. Be careful to not hit yourself it the face too.
  5. 955.731.514.01.01C Sorry, I do not know what wiring changes are needed - Porsche never issued a TSB on this.
  6. Yes, just pull it straight out. It is likely stuck a little.
  7. A4 is unswitched power on the radio. A8 is ground. If you have the Telephone prep that is behind the front console then there is both switched and unswitched power on that. There is another optional telephone prep that resides (if you have it) under the passenger seat as I recall.
  8. Most US cars have Porsche's Telephone Prep. There should be both switched and unswitched on that connector (under the passenger seat I think).
  9. It's hard to say. Some cars owners idle more than others, heavy traffic areas mean less miles more hours, etc., etc. The engine hours "should" be reset when changing the engine - but I do not think that always happens. Porsche doesn't quote TBO for their street cars only their race cars (which is usually 50 operating hours). We have already seen many early Boxster go well over 150,000 miles without a rebuild.
  10. I have yet to see any Porsche without some type 1 over revs. Type 1 are the safe over revs - they were controlled by the rev limiter. As said here before we suspect that the actual count is "ignitions" - so in one crankshaft revolution there would be 6 ignitions. I would not worry about any type 1 over revs when buying a used Porsche just type 2.
  11. From the Duarmetric website... You can plot any actual readings.
  12. Yes, most likely. Please do a search as cluster bulb replacement has been covered many times.
  13. US = US/Canada spec car RoW = Rest of the World
  14. I agree with Nick - you want to order things that are hard (or impossible) to add afterwards. The exception I would make to Nick's list is the Aerokit. If you have ever seen a factory installed aerokit along side an after market install (even using Porsche parts) - the factory Aerokit is always much tighter and looks to be part of the car rather than an addon. Just my 2 cents...
  15. :welcome: I think it would be helpful if you told us what country and state/province.
  16. If your factory alarm beeps when you set it that means you have one or more zones open - it is a fault.
  17. So, if all the gears are the same. Is TechArt just running that 997 way over factory redline? How else could it be that much faster on the top end? I suspect TechArt has done much more than an X50 package.
  18. X50 is an engine upgrade/modification only. It has nothing to do with the suspension or transmission.
  19. Perhaps what you do not realize is that Sunset has little choice for local purchases. There are competing dealers in their local area and if they give too big a discount those dealers complain to PCNA. PCNA then complains to Sunset. When you are part of a manufacturers dealer network you have to play by the manufacturers rules (and Porsche has a ton of them). The reason people outside of their local area can get a discount is because that is "any body's market" (as defines by Porsche AG).
  20. Model and year of your car please? ... and US or ROW?
  21. :welcome:
  22. 993.615.115.00 about $18 retail - check with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price.
  23. One of the connections must be bad. You can jumper each one until the light goes out to find out which one(s) are the problem.
  24. I think you only need that for keys or alarms not DME programming. If you can provided proof of ownership there is no reason they should not supply you with it.
  25. Then one of your sensors is not likely completely plugged in.
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