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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I think every 996 that I have heard with a light weight flywheel - rattles some at idle.
  2. The oil goes back to the sump the gases go to the intake to be burned.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...&code=dme72 Potential causes have been covered here many many times... please try a search.
  4. Item 7? - rubber lip (left) 996.504.503.02
  5. The mirror comes with a new wiring harness - you need to connect the points on that harness (among many other things). The reverse wire connection point is under the drivers seat. The TSB says a tech should be able to compete the install in 300 TU (time units). 100 TU = 1 hour. Perhaps, this will help you under stand that it is not connect power and you are done.
  6. I think you misunderstand the purpose of the AOS. Per Porsche's 1999 Tech Book: "Since there is no drop between the cylinder heads and oil sump in a Boxer engine, the oil is drawn out of each of the cylinder heads by an oil return pump. Oil Separator The oil drawn off via the return pumps is fed into "swirl pots". In these containers, the oil is centrifuged and defoamed, i.e. gases which the oil has picked up on the way to the lubricating points are removed. This ensures that the oil always has a good consistency which is necessary to guarantee the reliability of the hydraulic valve clearance compensation. Gases could bring about changes in the engine timing which would have an effect on the performance and exhaust-emission behavior of the engine."
  7. Yes, that is the interior auto-dimming upgrade kit. This does nol control the side mirrors unless they are already auto-dimming. You have to run a wire to reverse so it knows to turn off auto-dimming when you back up. You can install the interior auto-dimming without the exterior auto-dimming but not visa-versa.
  8. All TSBs are available to view by Contributing Members. 996.731.511.01.01C Interior mirror (satin black)
  9. My advice is: get a second opinion.
  10. it is not quite that easy - the TSB for installing the Automatic Dimming Rearview Mirror is 5 pages long.
  11. :welcome: Most of the relays are under the dash near the fuse panel. The horn relay is in position 10 here. There are a few relays under the carpet panel near the DME (behind the rear seats). If you are having a horn problem - chances are it is not the relay but a bad horn(s). They are not very good horns and a number of us have replaced them with air horns.
  12. See the post right before yours... Where do I top up the pentosin fluid? does it do into the pump or the rams? The hydraulic cylinder can only be filled in a retracted position. Position the hydraulic cylinder vertically and fill with 5 ml Pentosin (per hydraulic cylinder) using a syringe.
  13. The sensor is in the side of the tank (item 14) - they have been known to go bad.
  14. could be a dirty sensor - could be you have a leak?
  15. Try wiggling the switch while the lights are on. If there is any flickering or other strange occurrences then you likely need a new headlight switch.
  16. :welcome: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=35767
  17. Or you can just read the battery thread here.
  18. If it came with a code tag then likely yes. If you do not have the code tag then you have a problem.
  19. Likely either a bad socket or corroded wiring.
  20. Check your option list - if M490 is not there then you do not have an amp.
  21. Porsche says that up to 1 quart each 1000 miles is normal.
  22. Please do a search here - Porsche approved coolant has been discussed here many times.
  23. Search for +instrument +cluster +bulb
  24. You will need to remove the front bumper and take them off from the back side.
  25. Try 1096 or 1094
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