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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1512
  2. Hmm... are you sure they did not unplug the harness to the steering wheel? All of those faults relate to switches in the steering wheel except for the brake light switch fault - that would be the spoiler harness.
  3. I think Cruise Control as a standard option is only for USA/Canada cars. At least that is how it was in the past. Perhaps he has an RoW car - he did not say...
  4. 1. Unclip the switch covers from below and let them dangle from the electric leads. 2. Press together both spring clamps on the display and operator control unit and carefully pull out. 3. Disconnect electrical plug connections from the display and operator control unit.
  5. The older radios have a fuse on the back so I would look for one.
  6. Ok, so the reverse lights don't work... that means that the ParkAssist is never getting the reverse signal - that makes sense. You need to check the switches for the Tiptronic. Does the cluster light come on in reverse ®?
  7. Hmm... you can try 2 digits sequences each side of the number I gave you... or you will need to call a dealer.
  8. I agree it is likely not too hard with the right parts. The visor has no wires that go to it - all electrical contact is made through the metal clips when it is seated (see pic). You will need the clips with the connectors built in and then run +12 volts and ground to a switched connection (986.731.541.01 mounting plate - 2 each; and 999.919.120.09 oval head screw - 2 each). And the visors - 986.731.031.13.EBY Left visor (with light) in black and 986.731.032.13.EBY Right visor (with light) in black. Be sure and take some pics and post them here for the next guy/gal.
  9. If you do not want to do it yourself then consider an independent Porsche shop. Usually your local PCA knows the good ones.
  10. Try 2609 or 2607 Neither of those codes worked. I may have been wrong about the model number - it reads out R2896 on the display. Would this change the suggested codes, or are they based on the serial number only? Thanks again. Where did you get your serial number? off the radio or through the serial number display? or?
  11. I am aware he is from the UK - I was merely suggesting that he try and get his OPC to fix it for free - as goodwill (warranty) service. Porsche pays for many these every year and some good dealerships (OPCs) paid for some too. It never hurts to ask.
  12. The cable lists for about $197 so that would be $686 labor? Sounds high to me. Porsche's labor book says: 230 time units (2.3 hours) Involves: Removing (and reinstalling) the center console. Removing (and reinstalling) underbody cover. Removing (and reinstalling) the cable. Adjust brake cables as needed.
  13. Not for a MY03 and newer car - those would be CDR-23 radios with the MOST interface. The code is permanently kept in the DME so you only need to re-program the code if you change radios.
  14. This discussion was about a MY02 and newer facelift - not a GT3 look.
  15. Try 2609 or 2607
  16. Sounds like a leaky nozzle - isn't that covered under warranty?
  17. Have you checked fuse E1 and E5? I think there might also be a fuse on the back of the unit too.
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14785
  19. Read my Blog for comments on dyno runs. There are a lot of things (variables) that can change that will increase or decrease HP - even on an unchanged engine
  20. The ParkAssistent system and the headlights are not connected. Are you sure the battery is being charged? Your voltmeter should show around 13-14.5 volts when the engine is running.
  21. "Market launch of the new Porsche Boxster RS 60 Spyder is starting worldwide in March 2008. Including 19 per cent VAT and country-specific requirements, the retail price in Germany is Euro 63,873, the base price Euro 53,500." It is likely a couple of months away...
  22. First thing to look at is the cables and the linkage under the car.
  23. Try 0825 or 0823
  24. :welcome: P0446 EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit Potential causes: - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high. This says you are failing the fuel tank (sealing) test. Look for a loose gas cap (or bad o-ring seal) or one of the causes above.
  25. 1 ea 900 123 106 30 Aluminum Sealing Ring Is this the same part that would be used on a MY06 2.7l Boxster? Yes, it is the same part.
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