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Everything posted by Loren

  1. On the AC control... Press and hold the recirculation button. Then press the temperature up ("+") button to switch between degrees Celsius & Fahrenheit on the Climate Control Temperature and Instrument Panel Outside Temperature displays.
  2. If the CEL is on solid it is okay to drive. If the CEL is flashing the car should not be run (damage to the catalytic converters will occur). Make sure the dealer sees TSB 6/07 2820 Bar Ignition Modules (Coils) dated Jul 5, 2007. It clearly specifies what is covered under warranty.
  3. Loren, Thanks for the excellent info. I'm still wondering if this is covered by the 7 year/70,000 mile California extended emissions warranty. Perhaps - you will need to check with your dealer.
  4. There are US type plate mounts and RoW type plate mounts. If you are in the US - then just get the parts that are missing for US plate mounts. (items, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=85254 Even though this parts list is for a Boxster - your Carrera uses the same parts.
  6. Sometimes you have to wiggle the headlight a little too. If they don't wiggle then they may not be unlocked. If you get really desperate you can always go in from behind by loosening the wheel well liner.
  7. Just clips and they will likely break so order new ones.
  8. Those codes have nothing to do with the window problem. P1602 says you disconnected your battery. Code 45 is a an airbag light code. It says your divers side buckle has a poor connection. Either replace the buckles and remake the grounds (per the TSB) or try and get lucky with some spray contact cleaner.
  9. P0455 Fuel Tank Ventilation System (Major Leak) - Below Limit Possible fault cause - Tank cap missing - Tank cap seal - Ventilation lines detached from EVAP canister - Ventilation line detached from tank - Ventilation line detached from fuel tank vent - Break in ventilation lines
  10. If I look at the parts listing the first year a "Turbo S" cluster was offered was MY05.
  11. Please do a search for +seat +belts -- this has been covered several times.
  12. Bits and pieces from a time long ago... I think on my '76 911S the advance was mechanical but the vacuum on the side just plugged the hole. I may have to see if I can find any old pictures...
  13. We are really testing my memory here... but as I recall it is not used. As I recall when they went with the CD ignition the CD took care of the advance.
  14. I have sent you a PM with a VIN report I had run for you. This should tell you want was ordered (and delivered) on the car.
  15. For legal reasons you are not allowed to copy or print the TSBs. They are for online viewing only.
  16. Pretty much yes. Please make sure the fan is off when you do this... ;)
  17. A couple of Boxster folks (same HVAC unit) have found the noise to be weatherstripping falling down into the air inlet under the pollen filter - then flapping on the fan. I would certainly check there first. Only in a very cases has it been a motor problem.
  18. I would think so if it stuck open. If it were stuck closed the car would not idle at all (no air).
  19. As I recall it rotates like a little door. If it is stuck or sometimes the solenoid goes bad then you need to replace it. Have you checked with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price?
  20. Here you go... I hope you are not trying to put this in an older car because the 9x7 series uses a completely different circuit - including a PAS (Porsche Access System) controller.
  21. The parts list says it will only work a 997. I do not know why. It also says: "*997 642 131 05 FMH control part volcano grey/black mat F >>995S7 16151 F >>995S7 41124 see technical information GR. 9 , NR. 7/04 Part has successor (1:1) *997 642 131 06 FMH control part" This says that only for serial number sequences (shown as F >>). It also says it was replaced by 997 642 131 06 FMH
  22. I would start by looking under the dash to see if any wires are dangling down. Did they remove the instrument cluster for the SC install? If so they might have disconnected something there.
  23. 996.613.535.00 light switch -- Retail $112.21 Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  24. Then it may be the switch/cable on the Tiptronic. I think you might need a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS to test that.
  25. I would check for a loose sway bar too.
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