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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 997.362.156.95 8.5J x 19 ET 53 mm 997.362.164.91 12J x 19 ET 51 mm
  2. There are 6 total plastic nuts. 999.049.020.40 Plastic nut -- US MSRP $0.21 each
  3. Have you battery tested. If your battery is over 4 years old then it is due to be replaced anyway.
  4. No, a PST2 will not work on a 2008 Cayenne - only a PIWIS tester. In the US a PIWIS tester is $18,000 (for the first year of the lease).
  5. Um... pmeegan is asking about a Cayenne S not a Carrera.
  6. Reliability of 996 Engines
  7. You oil usage is normal. Porsche says 1 quart in 1000 miles is acceptable. Most crankcase ventilation problems cause a CEL - or it can easily be tested by a dealer with a pressure gauge they put on the oil filler (instead of the cap).
  8. Not really... if they put the ClubSport adjustable lower control arms (the .90 parts) on then they could get more negative camber.
  9. Yes the stock GT3 (not 004 ClubSport) lower control arms (996.341.053.16) are the same for MY04 Carrera only. They changed in MY05 and were different still on the MY03 and earlier.
  10. Other than resetting codes (which the Durametric can do) it can not change factory settings. You would would need a PST2 or PIWIS tester and then you could only change programs that are supplied by Porsche - not individual ECU values. And, these machine are several thousand dollars.
  11. Durametric Software
  12. :thumbup:
  13. -21 is for a Boxster S with 6 speed transmission -22 is for a Boxster S with Tiptronic transmission
  14. :clapping:
  15. If it is very light I think that is expected - emission laws require that crankcase ventilation be passed back into the engine.
  16. Please do a search here - this has been covered many many times.
  17. Sounds like a dirty lifter. Try an oil/filter change as changing lifters is not a small job.
  18. Uh... RFM told him on Nov 9th http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=84787 Tool Pants told him on Nov 9th http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=84826 and I told him on Dec 13th http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=87949 But as long as he gets it fixed... who cares...
  19. Check purge air line for blockage. 1. Remove front right-hand wheel housing liner. 2. Detach purge air line (connection face up) from EVAP canister. 3. Blow through purge air line with compressed air.
  20. C2 or C4? Was the transmission a 6 speed or Tiptronic?
  21. Oil cap is still a leak - so the OBD II (intake air system leaking) was right on.
  22. Porsche shocks will meet Porsche specs - Bilstein shocks will either be a bit softer or firmer (in my experience). Front shocks for a MY98 RoW C2 6 speed Coupe (M030) are: 996.343.041.16
  23. Try 2568 or 2566
  24. Sunset Imports is selling the coolant tank for $176.81 - there is a DIY here on the site. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost
  25. Folks... you can have access to all the TSBs and much more just by becoming a Contributing Member.
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