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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Did you check the front swaybar bushing for wear and tightness?
  2. Uh... the hood release lever is next alarm control unit under the left hand seat. M490 is the amp in the front trunk.
  3. Bridgestone Potenza S-02A N3 is an approved tire by Porsche.
  4. Probably yes, you might want to tape the end of the extra stop light connector though.
  5. Try 0275 or 0273
  6. It might help if you post where you live. Here in California only state approved companies can sell extended warranties. Car dealers (here) can not sell their own warranty they must sell 3rd party approved warranties. Regulations vary from state to state.
  7. That is pretty much true. If the immobilizer/alarm/central locking control box is badly damaged (by water or accident) then none of those systems will work and your car can not be started. In a rare case or two the owner has been able to open the box clean and dry out the circuit board and get it to function again. If not, then you are stuck with buying a box and paying a dealer (or shop with a PST2) to program the immobilizer (to the DME) and the keys to the new immobilizer.
  8. Dealers on Porsche's dealer network get these notifications almost immediately (or over-night). Dealers not on the network and 3rd party shops get notification on a CD that is usually published every month (or two or three in some cases). Our subscription is for the CD version and an update is overdue...
  9. I sent you a PM.
  10. Without seeing the MAF air flow - it would appear that you have an air leak somewhere in the air intake. The engine is seeing to much air.
  11. I hope your MY99 Carrera is a 6 speed (because they didn't make a 5 speed) ;) If you washed the car and did not drive it then you likely have rust/corrosion on the brake disks. It is always best to drive the car after washing to dry the disks so they don't rust. Take the car out to a safe area and apply the brakes medium hard for two or three stops and see if the noise goes away.
  12. Read my latest blog entry (see my signature below). I personally think these are a waste of money.
  13. I am not saying I don't believe you. Do you have a picture of it?
  14. Your OPC should have a set of keys that can use to remove the wheel lock and to tell which key to order for a replacement.
  15. I think it is time to check the compression on cylinder 1. You could have a broken piston ring or bent valve.
  16. Is the fuel injector partially plugged or electrically not working for cylinder 1?
  17. I have taken more than 50 of these off and I have yet to seen anything different than what I described.
  18. Injector plugged or intermittent?
  19. I sent you a PM.
  20. Try 7825 or 7823
  21. I'm sure you already thought of this...Homelink in the 997 is the only instance of Homelink that I know of that has to have the ignition turned on to work. Nope my Mercedes is the same way - maybe it is a German car thing.
  22. FYI - those are not Porsche wheels. Porsche spec wheels (in that size) are: 9 x 19 offset 60 mm.
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