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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Have a look at the Summer Wheels and Tires TSB - it has all of this information and more. Porsche updates the list about once a year also.
  2. Where are you located? I will do it for free if you are local.
  3. Unless there is a broken wire somewhere the only other parts are: fuse relay headlight switch
  4. :welcome:
  5. I bought a set of security torx, hex, etc., etc. - 99 pieces in all at Harbor Freight for $6.99.
  6. Normally it sits behind the left rear wheel well liner. The idea (I think) is that you can reach it behind the liner and pull (should the mechanism cable/solenoid fail).
  7. Durametric is $247 for the 3 car version and $697 for the unlimited (independent shop) version. I bought my PST2 from a shop that was upgrading to a PIWIS a couple of years ago for $3600. New cost for a PST2 was $8000 (to independent shops) -- most Porsche dealers got a discount and only paid around $4000. They are likely less expensive today -- realize a PST2 only works on cars through MY04 and a 9x6 series cars for MY05. Anything newer requires a PIWIS -- $18,000 for the first year and $12,000 for each year after (they are leased machines). I would also warn that some PST2's out there are not "legit". I would try to buy one from a shop that bought it legally in the first place.
  8. 955.552.698.00.A03 armrest release in black - US MSRP $36.40
  9. Item 33? If so, then we will need the color to give you the correct part number.
  10. Yes try what Loren suggested. MY99 had the same problem Friday morning. Key turns, dash lights all on, electrical system works but car would not start. So tonite I checked the clutch switch & the car started. Check it out, depress the clutch and pull out the switch with your fingers. I need to clean the switch now. i have a 2000 S and i am experiencing the same problem. can you tell me where is the clutch interlock switch? thank you. The clutch interlock switch is on the clutch pedal. As I recall it looks like a gray plunger. If you connect the two wire from the switch then you bypass it - just be careful that the clutch is depressed or your are in neutral.
  11. Yes, the read pads are exclusive to the MY07-08 GT3. 997.352.947.01
  12. Yes, I already answered your other post on the is subject. Please do not double post - it just wastes time and resources.
  13. Yes, the 997 GT3 and 996 GT3 mk2 use the same front pads.
  14. Please re-read this thread for how to get your radio serial number (VIN has nothing to do with radio serial numbers).
  15. Probably should work you are only increasing the rear track by 5 mm.
  16. I think you are going to have to reach in there with a small screwdriver or wire and see if you can trip the latch.
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=46877
  18. P1124 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 1 6) - Rich Threshold These mean your car is running too lean and the DME can not make the mixture rich enough. Potential causes: - Intake air system leaking or exhaust leak (air leaks ahead of the oxygen sensors is a common cause of these faults). - Fuel pressure too low. - Volume supply of fuel pump too low. - Fuel injectors fouled. It is also possible that your MAF is giving errant readings. So, it would not hurt to clean your MAF or have the air flow tested.
  19. Granite grey is the speckled finish that was only used on MY99 interiors. Here is what mine looks like
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...maint_row_mm_02
  21. Model, year and US/Canada or RoW please? Have you checked for pending fault codes?
  22. Well, if you can find someone else with a relay to let you swap it out and see if that is the problem. The part number is 996.615.111.00 it is about $40 US (MSRP).
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