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Everything posted by Loren

  1. :welcome: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry, to laugh but your dealer must not read their TSBs (Porsche Technical Service Bulletins). They need to read TSB 1/00 701 Noises In The Dashboard Area -- dated 6-30-00. This TSB has series of fixes for dash noises and is 9 pages long. Contributing Members here can view all the TSBs online.
  2. 996.653.101.06 or 996.653.101.08 or 996.653.101.09 Will all work and match properly.
  3. The rear cable is behind the left rear taillight.
  4. Sorry, I do not understand 08/2003. What model year and front or back or both?
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=62328
  6. Loren

    New to Forum

    :welcome: Both look great!
  7. :welcome: I had a 1974 2.0 liter RoW spec car - loved it - wish I still had it.
  8. Did you remove the excess oil? If so give it a few days to clear.
  9. It might work but the buttons and deign are for a MY03 and newer cars with the matt black finish. Your car is the last year of the glossy finish buttons and trim.
  10. The simple test is the buy/borrow a micrometer and see if the rotor thickness is within spec. You can also check the runout. If they are within 1 mm of the minimum spec I usually change them out. Remember SUVs are a very heavy vehicle and it will go through front rotors. My wife's SUV (Jeep) was the same way, the factory rotors barely lasted 25,000 miles. I put a set of Brembos on and now have 75,000 miles on them and are still with spec.
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6203
  12. That maybe close but he has a 987 -- not a 986. It is similar but not quite the same.
  13. Would a CDC-3 work in place of a CDC-4 or is it incompatible? I have a CDC-3 that is in good working order. Nope, CDC-4 is MOST (fiber optic) interface - CDC-3 is wired. So, CDC-4 only works with MOST radios.
  14. Did you look here?
  15. 6 speed or Tiptronic? 6 speed oil smells like transmission oil (strong). Tiptronic fluid is red and lighter weight than motor oil or manual gearbox oil. Look at the DIY diagrams for oil change and manual transmission oil change (assuming your car is a 6 speed) and see which looks like the drain you removed. This is the oil drain plug - an 8 mm hex (as I recall). The clean area.
  16. :welcome: Model and year of your car please...
  17. Yes, it is similar. It still sits high on the transmission near the bell housing. Remember PentoSin for the clutch circuit on TT/GT2. Ah thanks. I'm sorry but Pento-who? The 996TT DIY section is empty... I can't find any info. It's for a friend's car and I'll be helping him with the fluids. Look in your Owners Manual the clutch and power steering use only Pentosin CHF 202 (Pentosin CHF 202 supersedes CHF 11S and they can be mixed).
  18. P0413 Electric change-over valve - open circuit Possible fault cause: - Wiring harness - Electric change-over valve - DME control module faulty P0418 Secondary air injection pump - open circuit Possible fault cause: - Wiring harness - Relay faulty - DME control module faulty P1674 Engine compartment purge fan output stage - open circuit Possible fault cause: - Open circuit - Relay faulty - DME control module faulty Do you do an adaption for the DME after programming? Switch on the ignition - Wait one minute. Do not press the accelerator - Switch off the ignition for at least 10 seconds - Read out the fault memory Check the fuses and the relays - otherwise you may have smoked the DME.
  19. You reach behind the wheel liner on that side with a hook and pull it - emergency front hood release.
  20. Yes, it is similar. It still sits high on the transmission near the bell housing. Remember PentoSin for the clutch circuit on TT/GT2.
  21. Try 5571 or 5569
  22. I think you need a second opinion (quote)... that looks way high to me.
  23. How old is your battery? If it is 4 years or older it likely needs replacing. Start there. If you are positive the battery is good then measure the charging voltage when the engine is running - it should be close to 14 volts.
  24. :welcome: 1. Not unusual - but not too common either. I have heard of a few. 2. The previous may or may not have abused it. They should be able to tell when they open it up and see the other gears. 3. As far as I know 2nd gear is the problem gear. 4. That would depend on where you are located - some dealer stock GT3 parts for their racing customers others on order when needed. BTW... 10-14 days is pretty good from Germany. Try waiting 6-10 weeks for special Exclusive options (i.e. leather, etc.). Have them go through the transmission and hopefully give you a warranty on it and then enjoy the car.
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