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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Get me the serial number and we can give it a try...
  2. You need to find someone with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and they need to code (turn on) that feature in your car. I have done it many times and it takes 5 minutes at most. Where are you located?
  3. Folks there is a thread here of people that have well over 100,000 miles on their Porsche's and I think a couple with over 200,000 miles. IMHO - All of these articles should taken as they are "an opinion" not a statement of fact. If you look at any car maker from Jeep to Mercedes to Ferrari - they all have some problems.
  4. thanks for the reply. i'll check into a repair manual set. it might be just what i need. i understand that it's at least 1000 pages. nothing like a little light reading. :) Last time I checked it was over 5855 pages plus schematics...
  5. P0343 Camshaft Position Sensor 1 – Above Limit Potential causes: – Short circuit to B+ Check the connector/wiring. Check signal wire from DME control module, pin III/20, to CMP sensor for short circuit to B+. 1. Connect special tool 9637 to wiring harness (DME control module connector). 2. Remove connector of CMP sensor. 3. Connect voltmeter to special tool 9637, pin III/20, and ground. Switch on the ignition. Display: 0 V If battery voltage is displayed, check wiring harness for chafing and pinching damage.
  6. Try 8378 or 8376
  7. My name is Loren. Try 3274 or 3272 Loren, I tried the codes and they didn't seem to work. I'll retry in the morning after the "WAIT" disappears again. I might have mistyped. Sorry about the name mispell. I noticed right after I posted it. I have a friend named "Lauren" as well, so my fingers are just used to typing it. Thank you again for your help. Mike Read the other posts here for other options of the codes don't work.
  8. :welcome: Please do a search here as this topic has been covered many times.
  9. My name is Loren. Try 3274 or 3272
  10. Zero performance increase (unless you couple it with headers and chipping) - and even then not much. It does sound very good though (IMHO).
  11. Unscrew fastening screws 1 at the sides of the rear bumper 2. Check sheet metal nuts 3, replace if needed. Unscrew fastening screws 1 at the top and bottom of the rear bumper 2. Pull the rear bumper 2 carefully backwards until the plug connection can be reached. Press lug (arrow) of the plug connection 4 and disconnect it. Remove rear bumper. --------------------------------------------------------------- Install is the reverse... plus: Check the gap dimensions of the tailpipes 5 for the rear bumper 2 , adjust tailpipes 5 if necessary. Projection from rear bumper: Y = 2 mm. Distance from rear bumper: Z = 27±1 mm. Center distance at the sides evenly to the left and right.
  12. Yes, Porsche says it is lifetime coolant - as long as it is not contaminated.
  13. RoW rear for your MY should be 986 333 531 11 504 (marked red/red).
  14. That rear spring is for a MY97-02 Boxster, 5 speed, standard suspension.
  15. DIY on Robin's site
  16. Your MY car needs PCM 1 which that is. It will not be an easy install though - you will need to add all of the wiring and cables - not impossible but difficult. You really might want to consider an after market NAV system which have great deal more capabilities and are easier to install.
  17. Brake disc wear limit (minimum) Front: 26.0 mm Rear: 22.0 mm If it were my car I would replace them.
  18. What year is your car?
  19. Use the release on the side of the radio to release the keys. The keys are not needed to put the radio back in.
  20. Have you checked the brake booster for water? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=79485
  21. C2 and C4 transmission removal shows the same in the Porsche Labor Book - 3.7 hours. While they are there they should check the RMS and IMS for leaks. On a MY99 they should check that you have the later version release lever and replace if needed. They should do the factory torque test on the DMF - but it should be okay if it was not damaged or abused. Unless you track the car heavily I recommend sticking with the Porsche standard disc and pressure plate.
  22. Well, if you too the cam covers off then you likely lost the cam timing (when the camshafts came loose). Might be worth a minimal core charge to an engine rebuilder - unless their is serious internal damage.
  23. Best check the pressure accumulator.
  24. Based on the engine mount that is still on the engine - it looks like the engine is from a Boxster. If I were to guess - I would guess 2.5 liter from the pics.
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