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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Seems likely that the two other possibilities are the relay (double relay) or the headlight switch.
  2. To remove rearview mirror glass - Carefully pull the rearview mirror glass (2) out of the metal clips. Disconnect electrical plug connection (3).
  3. If you want the keys/immobilizer to work then then you will need to transfer the program data from the old one to the new one. I do not think it will work any other way.
  4. Try 6411 or 6409
  5. My name is Loren. Try 3274 or 3272 Loren, I tried the codes and they didn't seem to work. I'll retry in the morning after the "WAIT" disappears again. I might have mistyped. Sorry about the name mispell. I noticed right after I posted it. I have a friend named "Lauren" as well, so my fingers are just used to typing it. Thank you again for your help. Mike Loren, The two codes didn't work. Any other suggestions? Thanks again for your help. Please... it is all covered here before (if folks would just take the time to read). You can try two digits up or down of the first number I gave you - that has worked for some. If nothing works then you either need to contact your dealer or Becker. Last time I checked Becker charges $30 to look up up your code.
  6. Try 7794 or 7792
  7. Try 5511 or 5509 Neither worked. Besides contacting Porsche or Becker, are there any other suggestions? All covered here before (if folks would just take the time to read). You can try two digits up or down of the first number I gave you - that has worked for some. If nothing works then you either need to contact your dealer or Becker. Last time I checked Becker charges $30 to look up up your code.
  8. No, you must drive the car (it has been covered many several times in this thread).
  9. Try 5511 or 5509
  10. Those instructions (as well as all TSBs) are available here to view by our Contributing Members.
  11. On what model and year of car? 07 997S...thanks Yes, then you remove the 3 pins and and push the four tabs out.
  12. Try the alignment tool? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=16446
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...dpost&p=379 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...dpost&p=410
  14. Can you be more specific about the wing? The GT3 Mk1 wing (some call the taco wing)? or the late model high wing?
  15. On what model and year of car?
  16. Is a short shifter kit installed (i.e. B&M or Porsche or ?)?
  17. Where exactly is the leak? Are you sure it is not the coolant tank?
  18. MY06 997 Coupe in silver - Left rear: 997.803.035.03.U01 Right rear: 997.803.036.03.U01
  19. If you can find someone with a PST2 or PIWIS have them check the exact coding for the seat belts. They should be coded as "active". If that is not it then either both seat belts are bad (not likely) or the airbag control unit may be bad.
  20. Approved oils (on Porsche's list) as of April 2007 include only - Synthetic oils that are: 0W-40 5W-40 5W-50 The Porsche TSB supersedes any manuals statements. Any of the listed oils will work fine.
  21. It is like a breakout box for the DME. I suggest you borrow one from a shop - Porsche tools tend to be very pricey.
  22. Get me the serial number and we can give it a try... I got two numbers from the back of the unit itself: POCR-1R0821899 V40821899B Dan '86 928S 5-spd w/LSD '93 968 Tiptronic Do you know if it is a 4 digit code? If so, try 0827 or 0825 Yes, I'm sure it's a 4-digit code since I've entered them before on other CR-1's. Unfortunately, with these radios you can only enter digits 1 - 6 so I would have no way of entering those codes. Thanks anyway :) Dan '86 928S 5-spd w/LSD '93 968 Tiptronic I don't know if this will be of any help, but I do have a busted CR-1 here which I know the code to: POCR-1P0114389 V30114389B Code 1226 Could you use this as a cross-reference of sorts? Dan '86 928S 5-spd w/LSD '93 968 Tiptronic Sorry... none of my decoders handle 6 digit results. You can try here - although they do charge for the service. http://www.car-audio-accessories.co.uk/por...radio-codes.php
  23. Get me the serial number and we can give it a try... I got two numbers from the back of the unit itself: POCR-1R0821899 V40821899B Dan '86 928S 5-spd w/LSD '93 968 Tiptronic Do you know if it is a 4 digit code? If so, try 0827 or 0825
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