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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It's been covered here many times - please try using the search...
  2. Try 6833 or 6831
  3. On the 987 the Service Manual says: "Oil change quantity with oil filter 7.75 litres"
  4. 1. No need to disconnect the battery. You should not cause any faults unless you forget to plug the MAF or throttle electronics back in. 2. These are all very low torque screws - unless you have an inch pounds torque wrench I would just get them tight with a short wrench (not too much leverage that way). 3. Might not hurt since you will be in there anyway.
  5. P0133 Signal Period for Oxygen Sensor Ageing, Bank 1 – Above/Below Limit P0153 Signal Period for Oxygen Sensor Ageing, Bank 2 – Above/Below Limit Potential causes: – Oxygen sensor ahead of TWC – Wiring (oxygen sensors exchanged)
  6. That part number is for a 997 widebody C4/C4S.
  7. :welcome: Yes, it will fit with a little work. Please do a search here as this has been covered a few times.
  8. I think you will need to change the bumper to fit the other front spoiler lip. Probably best to confirm exactly which front bumper you have - because dealers are not supposed to add the rear spoiler without the adding the front bumper/spoiler. The correct part number for the Aerokit Cup II front bumper is 996.505.986.02.G2X.
  9. In Fremont - talk to Alex at Sharkwerks - tell him I sent you. Oh... I think he only does GIAC - but ask him. (510) 651-0400
  10. Perhaps you can find someone local with a PST2 or PIWIS that will turn it on for you. It only takes 5 minutes.
  11. Check for a bad connection in the steering wheel.
  12. No the Durametric does not do that (yet). I am on North side of Roseville - I can reprogram your door locks -- for free. PM if you want to get together.
  13. :welcome: We suspect that 226 is 18" tires. My car has that option too and it is the only thing missing from any Porsche lists. As of MY02 the fuel filter is in the fuel tank and never needs replacing (under normal use).
  14. Sounds like a bad ground connection or bad socket.
  15. This would indicate an O2 sensor is not reading/operating correctly - or you have an exhaust leak.
  16. Please ask for and get the magazine's permission before posting one of their articles here. Total 911 has granted that before - but as a courtesy (to them) I am removing the link until we have permission to distribute this article.
  17. Try 0261 or 0259 Niether worked! any thoughts? Please... it is all covered here before (if folks would just take the time to read). You can try two digits up or down of the first number I gave you - that has worked for some. If nothing works then you either need to contact your dealer or Becker. Last time I checked Becker charges $30 to look up up your code.
  18. Have a look a Tool Pants picture - sometimes it is tucked up behind the the airbag controller (box with orange label).
  19. Try 0261 or 0259
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=43454
  21. Try 0955 or 0953
  22. The hood is open light? Sounds like a bad harness. The only thing the -051 harness should change is the spoiler light (not the rear lid light).
  23. I think it is one double relay? (one relay that takes up two spots) 996.615.111.00
  24. Try 6411 or 6409 Loren!~ TY for getting back to me so quickly... unfortunately neither the 6409 or 6411 worked?? Do I try 6407 or 6413? or? Todd Yes you can try that - it has worked for a few folks. Just keep trying a two digit difference each time. If all else fails you will need to contact a dealer or Becker.
  25. So does the engine really stumble when you back off the gas? or could it be something like a loose rear swaybar? An RMS (or IMS) problem may be a few drops from the center of mounting point between the engine and transmission or a gusher. There are a lot of cars out there that have no RMS/IMS problems but there are a good number that do. So I would not worry unless you starting seeing an oil puddle under the car - and confirm the location where it is coming from. There are other places oil leaks can occur.
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