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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yes, remove the left front tire and the the wheel well liner and everything will be there to access.
  2. P0430 TWC Conversion, Bank 2 – Above Limit This usually means a bad cat - as long as no other codes are also recorded. Are you sure there are no other codes?
  3. Try 4881 or 4879
  4. Of course you mean Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost)? I would stick with Porsche's revised coil packs - you want 948.602.104.03 or 948.602.104.05.
  5. Last time I did this was at a work on cars day - so the engine was still warm. I don't recall it being a big deal - I just wiggled it back and forth until it came off. Maybe a warm (but not hot) engine would help?
  6. Did you check for a bent lever on the transmission?
  7. :welcome: Most likely because more MY03 reported problems than other model years. Chart below is from Consumer Reports
  8. Try 6608 or 6606 Thanks for the quick reply loren and the help...but after entering the code, my deck is stuck on the "wait" screen. i tried unplugging the harness from the back of the deck and also the neg cable on the battery for about a min and a half to try and reset, but no luck. any advice? thanks again! Well, you didn't read this thread did you... WAIT has been explained here several times. You need to drive the car to clear the WAIT message.
  9. Try 6608 or 6606
  10. The black pads are the quiet ones - so maybe you need have your dealer have a look at them.
  11. :thumbup: Yes, after the changes you have to turn the car off - then back on to re-initialize the controllers. But you need to do that for most all programming changes.
  12. :welcome: My airbox has no wire mesh or plastic screen - I removed them. IMHO if you keep your air cleaner maintained you will not have any problems.
  13. If you want the ability to reset your service indicator and reset an airbag light - only the Durametric will do that.
  14. :welcome: Please do a search here - this has been covered in a great deal of detail.
  15. Follow-up Press Release February 29, 2008
  16. Do you have standard pads or performance pads? What color is the pad side area (black w/stripes or light green)?
  17. Loren, Is it the same part number for MY00 C4? Fuel pump 996.620.103.00? thanks Yes, MY99-01 C2 and C4.
  18. Some of that will depend on what country you live in... Please add your location to your profile.
  19. Sorry, but I think you are out of luck. Porsche does not sell them separately. You might try someone with a bad knob and good shift pattern or a salvage yard.
  20. My money says - bad reader. Try borrowing one from Autozone or someone else.
  21. I did not paint mine - it came that way. Mine is a factory installed aerokit cup (option IXAA).
  22. 1. He needs to make sure the model type is proper coded in th DME - you can not change anything unless it is. And, there were a bunch of Boxsters that came from the factory without the model type coded. 2. As of MY03 (with the new instrument cluster) the OBC has to be turned on in two places - the DME and the cluster. 3. On the newer cars I do not think you will see any display change until you add the switch.
  23. :welcome: Please do a search here - P1128 and P1130 have been covered many many times (and it is not likey your fuel filter).
  24. That sounds like a logical plan. You can get rid of the radio code by removing the wire from the radio harness and taping it. Look for a Brown/Blue wire from the original radio connector and remove the pin and tape it (or cut and tape the wire).
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