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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche has kits for the protection caps but I don't see one for the seals and pistons. Try emailing JeffClark at sunsetimports.com - he may know of a piston and seal kit.
  2. Try 2742 or 2740 Hi Loren, Sorry but the codes did not work. I also tried 2740, 2741, 2742, 2743, 2744, 2739, and 2738. Those did not work either. In addition my radio is actually CDR-210.There is also a number when i take the radio face out. That number is 228012516272189905. Is there any other information you need? Are there any numbers you would suggest? Thanks a lot again in advanced! EDIT--- My car is also a 1999 Porsche C2. The manufactured date was in July 1998. It is a US car if that helps as well. Sorry, you will need to call a dealer or Becker.
  3. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (13 TSBs total - affecting all models): 987 - 2 Cayman - 2 997 - 1 997 TT - 1 997 GT2 - 2 Cayenne (gen 1) - 2 Cayenne (gen 2) - 2 All models - 1 Notable additions are: PCM2.1 - New maps for navigation module (all models with PCM 2.1 only) Updated Approved Oils list for all Porsche cars (except Cayenne V6)
  4. HI could you send me the instuctions as I am trying to do mine but stuck trying to get the light switch out? The light switch is covered here if you do a search. PLEASE do not ask people to copy copyrighted material for you here.
  5. Loren...could you please send me this TSB? Thanks You are a Contributing Member and can view that TSB here online. You want TSB 7/01 6102 Noises in the Hardtop -- dated Mar 22, 2002. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...load&id=116
  6. 1. Switch off ignition and remove ignition key. 2. Use a plastic spatula to carefully unclip the covering frame, starting from the bottom left and right. 3. Unscrew both fastening screws. 4. Pull out car radio together with oddments tray. Unscrewing fastening screws and removing the radio. 5. Press electrical plugs on radio and then pull off.
  7. In many cases yes, but in some cases no. It will depend on the fault and wheter the test the caused the fault re-occurs or not.
  8. If the horn sound when locking the car then there is an alarm zone open. You will need the Durametric software, or a PIWIS to tell you exactly what zone is open. Most likely a bad or mis-adjusted microswitch somewhere.
  9. :welcome: Chances are they need the VIN number to look up the PCM security code so that you will be able to use it.
  10. P0446 EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit Possible causes: - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high. P1124 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 . 6) - Rich Threshold This means your car is running too lean - that is, the DME can not make the mixture rich enough (and it has reached it's limit in trying to do so). Possible causes: - Intake air system leaking. - Fuel pressure too low. - Volume supply of fuel pump too low. - Fuel injectors fouled. Do a search here for common causes. P1539 Camshaft Adjustment, Bank 2 Possible causes: - Open circuit in triggering wire. - Open circuit in B+ supply. - Actuator faulty
  11. OK, thanks guys, that sounds good. But I'm going to the dealer. The condition seems to be getting worse and will let the pros handle it this time. Again, thanks for your inputs. Steve If your car is under warranty this should be free. Reference TSB 16/07 2820 Bar Ignition Modules (Coils) -- dated Jul 5, 2007.
  12. You will need either the OBC stalk added toy your steering wheel or hack the dash switch that toggles the same process. The details are documented here but this may be much easier for someone that has doen it before. You can have the OBC activated in your DME and instrument cluster by anyone with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. You don't say where you are located but if you are close to me I'll be happy to turn OBC on for you. On MY01 and later Boxsters (and MY03 and newer Carreras) you will need to add the switch before you see anything in the display. On the older cars the outside temperature showed up immediately as it is the default for OBC.
  13. Nope - you just need to drive the car until they are all happy faces. Sometimes this takes about about a week of normal driving. I think that process is in there so you can't cheat on an emissions test.
  14. Um.. Boxster door panels are a bit different from Carrera door panels. The Carrera DIY is here
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15193
  16. Try 9110 or 9108
  17. Could be a loose or bad upper strut mounting/bearing.
  18. Provided you have a laptop to run these on... - the Durametric software at $247 is Porsche specific and can do many other things like reset airbag lights. - as a really good all-around OBD II tool Car Code OBD II for about $122
  19. Hmm... Wrong spark plugs? What spark plugs did you use? How did the coil packs look? Are you sure the coil pack connectors are all the way on? It would appear that your problem is on cylinder 4, 5 and 6. So if all those other items are ok - then your Variocam control may not be working on that side.
  20. :welcome: Have you checked the main fuse? (D8 on your fuse panel) If that is okay then check the fuse on the back of the radio. You will need the radio removal keys for that.
  21. Model and year of your car? In most cases you can use the directions in the TSB 11/98 6827 Automatic Dimming Rearview Mirror (Int.) -- dated Jun 24, 1999. As a Contributing Member you can view this TSB online here.
  22. :welcome: What was the fault code(s)? There are numerous fault codes that deal with O2 sensors.
  23. C00 - (emissions for) country Germany (you can find this in our Option Code Lookup section) I don't find 232 in any of my options lists. The contents of the special option packages like M013 would vary some from country to country. In the US we call that "bundling". The only listing I have seen in in that countries order guide. From our Glossary: ABD = Automatic Brake Differential - A traction control program which works in conjunction with the new ABS/5 brake system. The ABD is active up to 45 mph. The system applies brake pressure to the rear wheel with the least amount of traction.
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