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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The RoW come 10 mm lower - you can also get the "sport" suspension which will lower the car 20 mm. Your third option would be coilovers (i.e. PSS9s). Only with the coilover could you corner balance. What exactly are they quoting you for $1100?
  2. Hmm... that is all that I see on my March 2008 parts list. Either I am looking in the wrong place (I've looked at dash and ignition) - I don't see anything else.
  3. Other than the clips inside the headlight openings it is pretty much the same as the 996. Have a look at my 3rd radiator install for pics on a 996 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7070
  4. You are correct if you upgrade to the newer part number (...125 01) then you must use a PST2 or PIWIS to update the DME map.
  5. I would be concerned about the "jelly" coolant - that is what happens when you mix two incompatible coolant types.
  6. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...c=16079&hl=
  7. There were some drive shaft changes on the 993 depending on the model year. Based on that you may have to replace the whole drive shaft.
  8. The last spec on "Approved Transmission Oils" is The parts are: Filter 955.307.403.00 gasket for filter 955.325.443.00 gasket for pan 966.397.016.00
  9. Sorry, we do not publish manuals or sections of manuals here.
  10. How about I send you the factory procedure and you write it up with pictures here?
  11. Sometimes the cylinder head can be welded (a special process for alloys). If not, then both the cylinder head and cam cover are replaced (as they are a matched set).
  12. Is it the nut that holds the ignition switch in place? Does it unscrew? If, so, then it is 997.618.759.00 -- retail $1.98
  13. :welcome: I only see two in Porsche's parts/price list and one is marked for Tiptronic and one is marked for 6speed.
  14. The car is Lapis Blue with a dark blue top. The discs are dark blue. Thanks Lorem! I meant the trim color - so they match - do you know the color name? Your choices are: Black - 996.555.457.00.A10 Graphite Grey - 996.555.457.00.C50 Metropole Blue - 996.555.457.00.G10 Space Grey - 996.555.457.00.B50
  15. I don't think you can mount it without removing the front bumper re-enforcement - it bolts to the same point on the left side.
  16. Just remove the wheel well liner. Several plastic rivets and a couple of plastic nuts as I recall.
  17. What color? (so I give you the correct part number)
  18. The two closest colors to what I see are: 997.552.425.01.A03 Ignition surround in black -- retail $13.74 997.552.425.01.5V7 Ignition surround in stone grey -- retail $13.74
  19. The GT3 cats likely would not work - different engine and O2 sensors mount at different places. For a MY02 996: 996.113.031.06 996.113.032.06 They retail for about $1000 each. Check with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a much better price.
  20. The part is only about $13 retail price. If you give me the trim color I can give you a part number.
  21. For what country please?
  22. Have a look here too... Adjusting Hood Latch Mechanism
  23. These? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=287
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