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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If you have misfires and no codes then the CEL bulb is likely burnt out (or has been removed). If you have had any misfires then there would be at least pending codes.
  2. You do realize your car has two oil filters - right?
  3. :welcome: Any fault codes? If the coil packs were cracked in October - then they still are and should be replaced.
  4. All of the 996 hardtops are the same. Boxster hardtops are different. If you car has never had a hardtop then you will need the kit to install it.
  5. Folks you need to look at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). The last Owners Manual I bought was $18.
  6. Is the wing all the way down or is one of the hydraulic lifters holding it up. (I am moving this to the 996 section since this is not a turbo).
  7. Not much further than shown - but if your hinges are plastic instead of metal now would be a good time to replace them. The plastic ones all break (sooner or later).
  8. :welcome: It is pretty much the same as the 996. 1. Pull seat belt rose cover up and off. 2. Undo fastening screw behind it (be careful not to drop it into the chassis). 3. Detach side-panel lining by unscrewing the hex bolt for the rear seat latch. Pull locking lugs of side-panel lining out of the clips in the rear side section and move forward enough to get at the back of the speaker. 4. Disconnect the loudspeaker electrical plug connection and disconnect. Remove panel.
  9. You do not want to put 3.4 liter cat and mufflers on a 3.6 liter engine for very long. The 3.4 liter stuff is smaller diameter.
  10. Been a while since I have done that - but it looks okay. It will only work (and spring open) one way - so if it works as normal it is likely correct.
  11. On the older unit it needs to have the basic adaption set by running an HVAC test using a PST2 or PIWIS. The shop needs to select AC (on the tester) then choose "System test". After it has completed the test/adaption the unit will stop flashing.
  12. Page 6 of 11 - most of the page is ExxonMobil.
  13. :welcome: Disconnect (unplug) your MAF and see if it makes any difference. P0102 says the MAF reading is too low - so it is either shorted or not connected.
  14. Try 4705 or 4703
  15. :welcome: It would be really helpful if you told us the model year and exact model (standard or option wing).
  16. Are you sure it is an LCD problem and not one of the backlight bulbs?
  17. Loren

    GT3 wing shim

    Carnewal.com http://www.carnewal-europe.com/cpx_p96125.htm
  18. It is likely not the struts themselves but the upper strut bearing (where it mounts to the car). Struts are your shocks.
  19. If you were local I would do it for you. Check the PST2 & Durametric Tool Registry list for someone in your area with a PST2 or PIWIS. Folks here won't charge you - dealers likely will. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13779
  20. Is your OBC turned on now? That is, do you see outside temperature displayed? If not you will need to find someone with a a PST2 or PIWIS tester to turn it on for you (a 5 minute job).
  21. :welcome: Here is the technical description from the MY99 Porsche Service Information Book. The whole book as well as many others are available to Contributing Members here online. OBC_MY99.pdf And here are the scanner pages (on OBC) from my MY99 Carrera. I have not scanner the whole manual since doing so breaks the binding. Porsche did not start offering PDF versions of the manuals until MY2003. MY99_OBC_Owners_Manual.pdf Where are you located?
  22. I would clean the MAF and reset the codes then see if it comes back.
  23. Sorry, Chuck he says his car is a MY01 - so it would be the electric release.
  24. Try 7626 or 7624
  25. Try 0135 or 0133
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