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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Could be a blown fuse. CDR-23 does not have a code to enter it just syncs with the DME.
  2. The only way you can tell 100% (especially on a used car) is with the VIN and the engine serial number.
  3. I do not know if my program works on CDR-32. Do you know if your security code is normally 4 digit?
  4. I had the VIN checked and what I posted is what it said.
  5. CDC-3 is the CD Changer - it that serial number from your radio or CD changer? I need the radio serial number...
  6. Try 4675 or 4673
  7. Sorry, you can only get PCM codes from a Porsche dealer.
  8. anyone know how to get the serial # from from 02 996tt ?? steroe -there is no tp button... thanks dean What is the model number on the front of the radio?
  9. P1514 Idle Air Control Valve Opening Coil - Open Circuit Possible causes: - Break in wiring. - IAC valve faulty. - DME control module faulty P1551 Idle Air Control Valve Closing Coil - Open Circuit Possible causes: - Break in wiring. - lAC valve faulty. - DME control module faulty
  10. That car is a not a "Turbo S". It does have the X50 engine package. Please check the 2005 TT order guides (that you can download here) for the differences. M96.70-645 is a 309KW (420HP) engine. The G96.50 is the standard 6 speed TT transmission.
  11. Try 5515 or 5513
  12. :welcome: With all due respect I don't agree that - "Remember, the only thing that caused this was a dead battery." I think that what caused what you are seeing is "She had to get it jump started..." You can check all the fuses in the small panel down by the left door sill - but it sounds like the "zap" at jump start may have wiped one or more of the cars computers. You likely need to find someone with a PST or PIWS diagnostic tester. Is this a US car? Where are you located?
  13. C00 - is in the country code list -- C00 is Germany. XER - are you sure it is not XEA or XE8? All of the other are in the list too? Are you sure you entered them as IXMZ etc. (per the instructions) ? XMZ - Rear section of center console in leather XSC - Porsche crest embossed into seat headrests XX2 - Illuminated foot well
  14. M9670-642 is a 309 KW (or about 420 HP).
  15. Yes, unless you wipe it off immediately.
  16. Sorry, I do not know. Have not had a chance to compare them yet.
  17. Try 5007 or 5005 Loren, I tried both along with 5009, 5011, 5003, 5013. None worked. Any other hints before I approach Becker (or keep going through the odd numbers)? PS checked the type and serial using the TP button and it matches the above. Thanks. Kerry Sorry, no. Your choices are your dealer or Becker.
  18. On the 996 mufflers there were both part numbers and assembly numbers. The real part number was usually next to the Porsche logo (triangle with a P inside).
  19. Those are sub-assembly numbers - what is the part number on your invoice?
  20. Yes, lacquer will damage paint so be careful using it. It will take off the clear coat for sure and likely the base color if you rub.
  21. The 996TT/GT2 parts are cheaper (here in the US) than the 997TT parts - so I would use the 996 GT2 parts.
  22. Try 5007 or 5005
  23. Try 3090 or 3089
  24. Perhaps you can find a dealer that will let you look at one of each?
  25. Yes, because the C4, C4S, and TT have 4WD their gas tank sits across the axle (like a saddle bag). The smaller portion on the one side can not be measured - so, if you run the tank very low then you can get incorrect readings when you fill up. The manual tells you how to correct the gauge/tank reading.
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