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Everything posted by Loren

  1. For a Porsche part - no way. Don't confuse Porsche part prices with Bosch part prices. Dealers are only allowed to Porsche replacement parts.
  2. Did you try pushing the volume button? that turns mute on and off. For your code try 0968 or 0966
  3. Hmm... did they check to see if a connector came loose?
  4. Have you tried Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost)?
  5. RMS problems were rampant until Porsche came out with a new version seal toward the end of 1996, if I recall the date correctly. Prior to then, it wasn't unusual to have seals fail in six months. Since then, there appear to far fewer problems. I would not be bothered by the RMS replacements, but that is just my opinion. The first 996 production run wasn't until 1998 - so I think you remember the date wrong. The new seal did not come out until July 2005 (with the introduction of 987 and 997).
  6. It is not hard to remove and replace - but someone will need to paint the new bumper first.
  7. Right fuse panel - fuse 11.
  8. Or... he could download here on this site... CDR-23 Owners Manual
  9. Hmm... time to look for a power drain. Poor grounds? etc.
  10. Some dealers here in the US will sell you the spare from a 996 series C4. With the tool (jack, lug wrench, etc.) kit it will fit in your front trunk. As I recall you will lose roughly half of your trunk space.
  11. Try 5048 or 5046
  12. Lost Radio Code - FAQ -- PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  13. Try 7255 or 7253
  14. The bumpers are the same - before they are cut and installed. Yes, you will need to remove the bumperette hardware first.
  15. :welcome: Porsche has published an 8 page installation TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) for installing the CDC-4. It is available here to view online to our Contributing Members (as are all TSBs) -- or you can try to get your dealer to give you a copy.
  16. Just buy a new bumper and don't cut the holes for the bumperettes. Most RoW cars do not have bumperettes.
  17. Nothing special - you do have an extra radiator, but it will bleed with the rest of the system.
  18. Try 0735 or 0733
  19. I can't see any of the wire colors to verify but it sure looks like the connector that plugs into the cruise control controller box.
  20. For MY97 w/TC 996.355.955.31
  21. Try 7277 or 7275 The number does not display in the radio (ever) - so you will need to write it down somewhere.
  22. Anyone can start a Poll here. If you want the Poll to be on the front page of the site you need to ask me to do that - but any topic can have a poll.
  23. :welcome: The Service Reminder can be reset with the Durametric Software (about $247) or by any shop (or owner) with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  24. If it is that hard to find reverse then perhaps the shifter cables are out of alignment.
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