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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Thank you for the CR-210 info - I have added it to the FAQ here. For your code try 9008 or 9006 wow, thanks for posting so quickly Loren. Unfortunately, 9006 and 9008 didn't work... I threw in 9010 just for giggles and no go as well. hey Loren, so was my actual number 9008 or 9006? The programs response to your serial number was 9008. But history has told us that the program is sometimes off by 2 numbers. More recently we have see it be off a few numbers.
  2. Try 1161 or 1159 Thanks for the quick reply but neither of those worked - any other suggestions? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  3. Try 1161 or 1159
  4. Do a search here - that is is common problem when the rubber bushings get worn.
  5. Bumper removal is slightly different but most of it should be similar to my 3rd Radiator Install DIY in the 996 mods section. Or have a look at the instructions in the X51 kit TSB. TSB 7/05 1001 Performance Increase Kit Installation Instructions (I-no. X51) -- dated April 12, 2007
  6. Thank you for the CR-210 info - I have added it to the FAQ here. For your code try 9008 or 9006
  7. :welcome: 1. Carefully lever out trim panel for mirror triangle using plastic wedge and pull upwards. 2. Press electrical plug connection and pull off the plug. 3. Remove trim panel for mirror triangle. 4. Remove lever for door opener. 5. Release and remove the door trim panels. 6. Undo fastening screws and remove door panel (as shown). 7. Disconnect electrical plug connections. 8. Removing actuating cable for door lock. Unlock fastening clip of actuating cable for door lock 1 by pressing the locking hook A and disengage from the guide slot B. Swivel pin 2 of actuating cable to the right by 90° C and disengage. Installing is the reverse - but be sure and check for broken/missing plastic clips around the door panel edge.
  8. I think you can access them after opening the sunroof. If not, we'll have to ask RFM...
  9. :welcome: The is a TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) that covers this. "After replacing the battery, check if the remote control functions. If the remote control does not function, the processor could have stopped. If this is the case, the LED of the remote control either does not light when the button is pressed or it lights continuously, i.e., longer than length of time the button is pressed. The processor must be restarted." "2. Restarting the processor. 2.1 Remove battery as described under Step 1.2. 2.2 Inserting battery briefly with polarity reversed. 2.2.1 After a waiting time of at least 10 seconds, slide battery with the polarity of the battery reversed (positive terminal downwards) under the tab (Figure 1, arrow 2). 2.2.2 Clip battery downward into the holder. 2.2.3 After a waiting time of approx. 3 seconds, remove this incorrectly polarized battery again. 2.3 Install battery as described under Step 1.3. 2.4 Check the function of the remote control."
  10. Um... Joe has a Cayenne S not a Boxster. I don't think Mike has anything on Cayenne's. Cayenne drain plan - sliding roof Cayenne drain plan - panorama roof
  11. The switch is on the light housing in the front trunk.
  12. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  13. :welcome: Did you try our search feature? How to Remove the Front Bumper
  14. Try 2786 or 2784
  15. Yes, that part number is likely it.
  16. Thanks Loren, I hadn't thought about trying an indy. Since I am up in Truckee I would probably be looking for a shop down in the Roseville or Rocklin area near the dealer. I have not had any luck with Porsche service in Northern Nevada so I usually go to the dealer in Rocklin. Do you have any recomendations for a independent shop in that area? Well, you could always buy all your parts/fluids and come to one our work on cars days and we can give you a hand doing it yourself. I do have a PST2 (and PIWIS and Durametirc) so we can run all the tests etc.
  17. Try 4457 or 4455 neither number worked....any other suggestions, Loren? Did you read the FAQ? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  18. See the How to Remove the Front Bumper DIY in the 996 DIY section - a TT bumper is pretty much the same.
  19. For a 2000 Boxster the best you can do in factory radios is the CDR-220. All the 986 series (and 996 series) radios are made for Porsche by Becker. None are very good - but if you want OEM go with the CDR-220.
  20. 1. Yes, IMHO that is outrageous. 2. Well, you likely want to do the plugs soon - not from mileage from age. Why not take the car to an independent shop get the 30 K done and ask them to note any items that should be fixed under warranty? Then have the dealer fix the warranty items.
  21. The Durametric software can read the actual value for the throttle position - so that is the least expensive option. Of course a PST2 or PIWIS can also read this.
  22. Are you taking about the battery cover hold down screws? (item 11)
  23. The only way I know id to plug in a PST2 (or PIWIS) and then see if it offers to calibrate the top.
  24. For the pollen filter cover: 999.500.092.00 Nut (rubber coated) -- US MSRP $2.94 each Not sure what the other two screws you are asking about are? Are the in the footwell? Are they in the carpet or in the heater mechanism?
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