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Everything posted by Loren

  1. P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 – Below Limit P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 – Below Limit Potential causes: – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Fuel pressure too high – Fuel injector leaking – EVAP canister purge valve open P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Above Limit P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Below Limit P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Open Circuit P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Signal Implausible You need more investigation here. Potential causes (depending on further investigation): – Heating resistance too low – Short to B+ – Corrosion in connector – Break in wiring except for a few litz wires – Heating resistance too great – Oxygen sensor
  2. Try 5016 or 5014
  3. Try our Search feature next time - it works very well. How to remove fuel filler door
  4. The drain plug will depend on your exact transmission model. Best check with JeffClark at sunsetimports.com
  5. Loren, As always your valuable insight is much appreciated. Last time I changed the tranny oil, I remember the fill and drain plugs were up for replacement next time. Do you have part numbers for these two items? Regards JP Why would the plugs need replacing? Or are you planning on damaging them? Porsche even says to reuse the sealing washer on the fill plug.
  6. Try 9112 or 9110
  7. Please use the one Lost Radio Code topic. This thread is now closed.
  8. The Service Reminder can be reset with the Durametric Software (about $247) or by any shop (or owner) with a PST2 or PIWIS. The original method only seemed to work on a few of the early cars.
  9. How old is your battery? If it is 4 years or older - then it's time for a new one. Have it tested (specific gravity) if you are unsure. Any other strange electrical problems? - if there are then you could have a bad ignition switch. Might not hurt to check the cables on the starter and the starter solenoid - as well as the engine to chassis grounds.
  10. Try 2340 or 2338
  11. Your car does not get the new MAF - you should continue to use 996.606.124.00 for all egas Carrera's MY99-01 (except for MY99 C2 non-egas)
  12. That link is in the Contributing Members Only forum...
  13. N-Spec Tires, Everything you wanted to know from Porsche Read the TSB on Summer Tires - it explains the date codes on tires.
  14. Sorry, I think you need to read your owners manual. "Connect jumper cables in the following sequence: 1. Check electrolyte level of each cell. If necessary, fill with distilled water to just above plates. 2. On a vehicle with a discharged battery: turn off all consumers and accessories, move the gear shift lever into the neutral position and set the parking brake. 3. Attach the positive cable first to the positive terminal 1 of the booster battery A, then to the positive terminal 2 of the discharged battery B. 4. Connect the negative cable first to the negative terminal 3 of the discharged battery B, then to a suitable earthing point 4 on the body of the vehicle with the booster battery. This earthing point must lie as far as possible from the battery. 5. Run the engine of the booster car at a higher speed. 6. Start the engine. An attempted start using jumper cables should not last more than 15 seconds. Then allow a waiting period of at least one minute. 7. With the engine running, remove both jumper cables in the reverse order."
  15. Try 7167 or 7165
  16. Try 6676 or 6674
  17. Please try our search feature -- it works really well. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  18. Well, if your oil pressure really dropped to zero - your engine would not last long (minutes likely). Oil pressure is primarily mechanical - so it either works or it doesn't. It would be very unusual to have oil pressure actually come and go. Both wires go to the cluster - the sender unit is grounded to the engine case. I do not know of any other oil pressure sensor - so as you said it is likely that it is the sensor or the wiring. As I said before, several folks have had similar problems so it is very likely your problem is the same.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1728 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9382
  20. Yes, there is a TSB on the Trailer Hitch installation. All TSBs are available here for viewing by our Contributing Members. How to become a Contributing Member
  21. We have seen a few sender failures - so that would be the most likely failure.
  22. Try 4907 or 4905
  23. I don't know if he erased them - might have even been accidental. From what I know... A flashing CEL means that conditions have occurred to cause the CEL to turn on (and flash) -- i.e. a fault (or faults) have occurred. I can't think of any faults that clear immediately once a CEL has been turned on - usually it is a number of drive cycles. Like when you don't tighten your gas cap - you get a CEL and then it clears in the next day or two of driving. What you describe kind of sounds like it might be a VarioCam Plus malfunction or a stuck lifter.
  24. Hmm... a flashing CEL and no stored faults? Methinks he erased them.
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