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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Nice pics but that is what the Registry is for... ;)
  2. C2 and C4 are different Bilstein part numbers. Perhaps you should ask him which car they came off of.
  3. Assuming the oil pressure dash light (idiot light) did not come then the problem is either sender, wiring or instrument cluster. There is a dual circuit oil pressure system on the car so the dash light is separate from the gauges. Check the sender, and wiring and if they are both ok - then I'm sorry to say you will likely need a new cluster.
  4. You can buy the door trim and the door pocket lids in an option package or do you just want the door lids?
  5. Re-learning can take a couple of days of driving. PC based PST2 should be able to run Tiptronics tests. Durametric will only report faults and some actual values.
  6. :lol: Tom has been around here since I opened the board in 2003. Tom has always been a good resource and is very knowledgeable on Boxsters. With his board, job, and family we are always happy when he can find some "spare" time to post here too.
  7. All they could do is put the original 5 map program back in. Are you sure it just hasn't gone through the re-learn process? If your shop has a PST2 they can run a few tests.
  8. Try 0578 or 0576
  9. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  10. That is the correct canister. 996 201 221 08 replaces 996 201 221 09. It should fit.
  11. 997_carrera_front_bumper.pdf
  12. Your fault is in your PCM (Porsche Communication Management). This the NAV unit in your front dash. It has almost nothing to do with the ECU (also known as DME) which is your engine control computer (mounted under the carpet under your rear window). To diagnose anything further on your PCM2 - other than a loose/broken cable -- you will likely need a PST or PIWIS tester.
  13. Do you mind if I ask why you need both?
  14. If you look at Porsche's database there are some option codes that have no explanation next to them.
  15. I would still pull those two plugs and have a look at them. Check the coil pack and cables while you are there.
  16. Here you go... 997_gt3_front__bumper.pdf
  17. Product of the 997 gen 2 begins this month - so many more pics will be coming. New engine, and optional 7 speed PDK transmission. Bigger brakes. Bi-Xenon standard. Mechanical limited-slip rear differential (optional I believe) Yet another new PCM.
  18. What model and model year would you like? (996 or 997)
  19. :lol: I've never done that.... :blush:
  20. Try 9110 or 9108
  21. How long have you run the car since the new AOS? It may take awhile to burn off the oil that has gotten into the intake and fouled the spark plugs. I would pull a plug or two and have a look to see if they are oil fouled.
  22. What is wrong with your O2 sensors? Nothing here points to an O2 sensor problem. Cleaning the throttle body has been covered here many times. It is not too hard.
  23. I assume that is a P0140 If so... P0140 Oxygen sensor behind catalytic converter, open circuit Possible fault causes - Fault in the oxygen sensor heater, if this exists, is to be taken care of first - Loose contact or corrosion in the connector - Open circuit in the signal leads - Open circuit in ground lead - Oxygen sensor faulty - DME control module faulty
  24. P0430 TWC Conversion, Bank 2 – Above Limit You can likely fix your idle with a good throttle body cleaning. For the P0430 you need to check the O2 sensor before and after cat voltages. Compare the good side (bank 1) with the bad side (bank 2). This code is signs of a bad (or going bad) catalytic converter. With 107k not too surprising. The O2 sensor voltages should tell you for sure. I would clear the code and see if it comes back - cats are not cheap.
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