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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche TSB on the subject says to replace the buckle(s) and resolder the grounds under the seat.
  2. You need three hands and fingernails - it will stretch to fit. ;) Last time I put one on my wife had to hold two sides while I held two sides to keep it flat while I put the fastener on. It might held to warm it up by putting under warm water first.
  3. One solenoid (item 7) locks both handles (front and rear). Since the fuel filler door works (and assuming the locking pin is not sheared off) then it must be a bad solenoid or one of the wires is not connected. Here is a link for a DIY to get at the solenoid. Hood/Trunk Latch Release Removal/Install
  4. Can you open the fuel filler lid? They are on the same circuit. Both are controller by the Alarm/Central Locking control box. So, if there is not a bad connection or broken wire then you may need a PST2 or PIWIS to troubleshoot it.
  5. We have updated the Blog section of the site to the latest version. Some of the new features/updates are: New Default Style - The Blog has been overhauled with a fresh new style, one which feels more like a traditional blog. Themes and Custom Headers - You can now install 'theme packs' and allow your users to choose which of these themes will be applied to their blog. Using themes you can completely change the look and layout of an individual blog. (I have not tried this yet) Content Block Plugin System - It's now much easier to create your own content blocks, using a new plugin system. It's now possible to define settings for a plugin that apply to individual blogs, this means that you can integrate with 3rd party widgets that require a unique username for each blog. We've also included new content blocks in this release: Twitter, MyBlogLog, Google Reader, Friends Blogs, Recent Visitors, Digg, and Last.FM. Social Bookmarks - A new bookmark manager allows you to define bookmark services for your blog system. These services will allow blog entries to be easily submitted to the bookmark services that you setup. There are several preconfigured services: Del.icio.us, Digg, Google, Facebook, Mixx, Reddit, and Stumbleupon. Media Integration - The new tag allows you to automatically convert various media types into a more usable format. For example, [ blogmedia ]http://www.test.com/somemp3.mp3[/ blogmedia] would be converted into a mp3 player for the specified file. You can define any media type you like in the Media Tag manager, by default we include: Flickr Image Set, GameTrailers, Google Video, MP3 Player, MySpace Video, Veoh, and YouTube. Other Changes: - Feedburner Integration - Akisment Integration - Edit Entry Date - Display article count for categories - Blog Offline Mode - Entry author replies in comments are now highlighted - Admins can select a 'Featured Entry' to be displayed on the blog listing We hope you enjoy this new version!
  6. I gave you Porsche's spec for narrow body cars with 18" wheels. Porsche does not recommend 19" wheels for 996's period. I should have said that in my first post. Others may "fit" but are not recommended by Porsche.
  7. Hmm... are you sure it is not something on the polyrib belt path? (i.e. alternator, power steering, pulley(s), etc.)
  8. If you have to turn it - then turn it in normal running direction (not backwards).
  9. Narrow body cars need: Front 50-52 mm offset Rear 65 mm offset
  10. There is no 996 TT manual there last time I looked. And, most of the manuals there are woefully out of date and missing important supplements.
  11. Try 8362 or 8360
  12. That is strange. You might want to try and call the Becker folks. 201-961-1399
  13. Please don't take any offense to this- but did you even read my problem before just habitually posting the link? I have the radio code and I have read the FAQ- it does not cover this at all. I have also searched "not accepting radio code" and have not found this same problem mentioned anywhere. My radio does not say "wait" but I have tried leaving the key and radio on for 1 hour anyway with no luck. The code worked just fine last year when you gave it to me. It is not accepting it now. I can enter it and it goes right back to the first digit like it would if you had the incorrect code. I can also enter an incorrect code as many times as I want and it never says "wait" like it would with the wrong code before. Anyone ever seen this? Did you do as the FAQ suggests and verify the radio serial number? Does that part work?
  14. Some of the older 993's do not have much information to look at. Very early days of OBD. What are the fault code(s)?
  15. 997.613.109.00 switch -- US MSRP $22.98
  16. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  17. Try 1178 or 1176 I tried the two codes, more than once, after three tries it goes into the wait mode. any other code suggestions? Thanks Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  18. Does your switch look like the one in this post? (more shape than color) http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=101751
  19. Why take it to the dealer - Autozone and some other parts stores will let you read the codes for free. Without the codes everything is a guess. You could wait and see if they come back (if they are off now then it is safe to drive). if and when they do come back - read the fault codes out and report them here.
  20. What DME are you using? and did you re-program it?
  21. Fault code(s)? You need to get the cars fault codes read.
  22. Try 5505 0r 5503
  23. Try 1178 or 1176
  24. Could be that the clutch is about gone.
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