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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I don't have a MY97 993 schematic but I do have the 993 TT. I think it should be close enough. They switched to a single drive motor in 1996. I sent you a PM.
  2. If the battery died (or was very low) then that likely reset the DME.
  3. Not really, I thought he had a pic of someone prying off the ball-socket.
  4. Sorry, no they did not. Best you could do (after re-routing the window switch to the batwing) would be to put in four blanks. You might give Eric at bumperplugs.com a try - they might be able to a custom one for you.
  5. Tool Pants likely posted a pic a while back - try searching. At the bottom of the shifter rod is a black ball socket - pry that off. That is the main shifter cable for gears 1 to 6. Then disconnect the blue shifter rod (pin). This is the for the reverse cable.
  6. Sounds interesting...Could we expect a DIY Article on that? I have a B&M, but keep on postponing the installation, since I heard that the shift becomes harder in the winter - I live in NJ. Plus I am not sure It would not cause the missing gears problem. They taped Tool Pants doing a B&M install - is on his DIY DVD's. It is pretty simple once you have done it a couple times (I stopped counting at 100 :lol: ). If you are having shifting problems now the B&M will not help. Start by using the factory tool to properly align the cables. If that does not cure the problem - then the bad news is a may be internal in the transmission. Good Luck!
  7. Any good after market battery will work fine. The Porsche battery is at least 3 times the cost of an after market one. See the Battery's thread...
  8. IMHO... the newest you can afford.
  9. It seems that OBD II requires that any fault codes (pending or actual) not be present for a certain number of "drive cycles" to produce a "ready" state. I do not know the number or formula. I do know that we have replaced an O2 sensor for someone that failed smog test and after the sensor was replaced and the fault cleared - the car did not reach a "ready" state for another 4-5 days. We checked each day.
  10. MY98 through MY01 had plastic rear windows. The glass rear window was introduced in MY02.
  11. Must be a state thing - here in California if you fail a smog test you are given 30 days to correct the problem and be re-tested. You get a sticker to put on your window signifying that.
  12. It could take as long as 1 week of driving for the OBD II system to sense that there are no errors after a fault fix or a reset. This is done so people can not cheat on their smog test and disconnect the battery (to clear codes) just prior to the smog test. Your friend likely just needs to drive the ca and then have it re-tested. If you know someone with a PST2 or PIWIS they can easily tell when the car is ready for smog testing.
  13. Left rear luggage compartment. There is a relay panel there. The 40A fuse for the secondary air pump and the relay for that pump is in position 10 of that relay panel (993.615.115.0).
  14. Try 0483 or 0481
  15. Model year?
  16. P0410 Secondary Air Injection System - Signal Implausible (Cylinders 1 - 3) Secondary air injection pump is not triggered. Potential causes: - Wiring harness or fuse - Relay - DME control module - Air supply lines - Secondary air injection pump - Electric change-over valve - Air change-over valve
  17. Just put an ad in the Wanted section - chances are someone upgraded to PSE or some 3rd party mufflers and has a set sitting in their garage.
  18. The 3.8 liter mufflers have a different part number (substantially different) - so I think even though they seem to look the same something might be different inside. But they look they could work. The 3.8 engine also benefits from different headers - which I doubt would fit properly on a 996 3.4 liter either. IMHO - if you are looking for horsepower I don't think you are going to get any.
  19. Yes to both. Sometimes you can open those up and clean them up and bend them a little and get another 6 months out of them. Otherwise you likely need a new key head.
  20. I personally would not recommend any flushes or oil additives unless the car had been sitting (and not started) for quite some time (over one year). I would suggest that you get the engine good and hot - let it cool some and then drain all the oil that you can. Give it at least 30 minutes or more. Then refill with a good approved oil.
  21. Well, you can try a new battery but the keyhead may be bad. Does your second key work fine?
  22. Probably not if you did not turn it too far.
  23. Loren: Thanks so much for the TSB. I tried all that and now no lights work. What next? zlawman;2001 Boxster;seal grey;tip And your problem is the same as the first poster? The light stayed on all the time?
  24. Yes, they can be replaced without removing any covers (just spark plugs, coils etc.). If they were fixed with the new o-ring then it would be unusual to have another leak (in my experience).
  25. I see both 000 043 205 47 003 and 000 043 205 47 004 in the system but they have no description other than "cdrom". You might check those part numbers with your local OPC.
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