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Everything posted by Loren

  1. :welcome: If the brake wear light comes on then the sensor for your pads need to be changed. It is just a special wire that when worn through turns on the light. So, if you did not replace the brake wear sensors then you need to. There is at least two TSBs (Technical Service Bulletin) for airbag lights on MY03, 04, and MY05 Cayennes. You should see your dealer and have them perform the procedure in TSB 9/04 6963 Airbag Warning Light On - Fault Code 1217 and 1218 -- dated Jun 7, 2005
  2. RFM I understand the FWD unit has gear oil and the cardon shaft ( I think) but I still don't see where his leak is coming from - which is my point. I really think he needs to find a shop that put his car on a lift and find the source of the leak.
  3. 1. I have a 3rd radiator Tool Pants does not. Because of the 3rd radiator I chose to mount the horn from single strap (see pics in post 5 of this thread). I believe Tool Pants used the hanging brackets for the 3rd radiator (which are on all cars). It really makes no difference which method you choose. 2. In my method you do not need any bolts - you use one existing bolt and the mounting bolt that comes with the horn. In Tool Pants method I think you would need a couple of M8s.
  4. Try 0704 or 0702
  5. I would not worry about it either. Keep a little anti-seize on the wheel bolts and rinse any winter salt away and you should be fine.
  6. There is no oil in the Tiptronic transmission only ATF (red and lighter than motor oil). So, if you have oil on the floor it is not from the transmission.
  7. Then the leak is from the engine - not the transmission.
  8. Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) - see the link at the top of any page.
  9. Try 4693 or 4691
  10. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  11. http://astore.amazon.com/renntechorg-20/de...4654593-2783818
  12. Yes, 5/8 inch deep socket with rubber insert to hold the plug. The tool that is a little hard to find is the short wobble extension. Both Sears and Harbor Freight have them for reasonable prices.
  13. Is the leak ATF or oil?
  14. Have a look at TSB 9/99 2015 Carrera 4 – Running Out of Fuel -- dated 10-14-99 "To summarize, if the battery is disconnected with the fuel level less than 1/4 tank, the fuel level and driving range on remaining fuel values will be incorrect. When the battery is reconnected, the fuel calculation will default to 19 liters, when in fact, the fuel level is most likely less than 19 liters. This can result in the vehicle running out of fuel, with a seemingly good fuel level indication."
  15. Hi Loren, If I'm reading this right, a basic 1999 C2 will not have this problem, if the battery is disconnected; or should I make sure the tank is full anytime I disconnect the battery? thanks, Correct it is only 4WD cars where Porsche used the "saddle bag" gas tank. Those would include C4, C4S, and TT.
  16. Fault 21 is: Firing circuit, driver fault. You will need to find a shop with the proper test equipment to safety diagnose whether it is the airbag (in the steering wheel) or the triggering unit.
  17. You are correct the warning did not make it in the MY99 Owners Manual - I think it was added in MY01. This is not a DIY unless you own a PST2 or PIWIS. You have to empty the gas tank. Refill it with an exact amount of fuel. Then the PST2 (or PIWIS) recalibrates the sensor and puts the calibration number in your instrument cluster.
  18. MY2002 Turbo with Tiptronic. I suggest you find a good Porsche shop that can confirm where the leak is coming from before spending nay money. Have you contacted in transmission rebuilding shops in your area? They might have parts. The transmission will need to come out for the fix and be partially disassembled - it might end up less expensive to but a Porsche rebuilt transmission.
  19. I don't know what 'MY' means but I think it has something to do with the build of the car?! I have a 01' Boxster S,6-spd. All OEM suspension wise and I'm looking to install H & R springs. Loren, Should I order the ball joint separator featured here and pick up a spring compressor for the event? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...amp;#entry56444 Thanks, Robert Robert, MY is Model Year. I don't know that we can do a suspension change at a work on cars days. They can take 4-5 hours and I don't think it would be fair to other folks there to monopolize the lift for that long.
  20. 1. Yes. 2. Brown is almost always ground in Porsches. 3. I used crimp connectors and then heat shrink tubing, then black electrical tape and tie-wraps to keep them where I wanted them. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...st&p=101451
  21. Techron should work fine. I use it about every 3000 miles.
  22. Yes. For a 968 it was the same as it is today - look for option code M030.
  23. A GT3 weights 209.44 lbs. less than a C4 Cab.
  24. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...entry2588
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