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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Loren

    MK1 GT3 pics

    :welcome: Nice ride. Have you looked at the Registry? - that is the best place to put pics of your car and mods you have made.
  2. :welcome: Are the brake pads really worn? If so, then the light won't go out until they and their sensors are replaced. Strange dash lights could be an electrical fault (bad ignition switch) or very low battery. Was the car on a battery maintainer over the winter? Never - ever open a coolant cap unless the engine is cold. You are lucky you were not burned. It says this in your Owner's Manual.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6
  4. Try 4456 or 4454
  5. Last time I ordered a -01 cap I got an -02 cap. The package still said -01.
  6. Try 0379 or 0377
  7. Yes, remove the engine drain plug and the large radiator supply and return hoses on the engine.
  8. If you bought coil-overs - no. You will be replacing the whole strut assembly.
  9. You gave me 3259 and 3261 (I have been in China and only JUST returned to try them out)... Neither code worked! Any suggestions would be appreciated... Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  10. A special thank you to Mary and David Borden. We now have a date/time for this WOCD. The WOCD will be: Saturday June 7th From 10 am to 5 pm Please confirm (by posting here) that you will be there and what tasks we will be doing so that I can bring any special tools that might be needed. If you are doing any maintenance items - I ask that you bring containers to take your waste oil, fluids away and properly dispose of them. And please try to allow time to do your work within the hours posted (i.e. please do not show up at 4:50 pm and say you want to do your 30,000 mile maintenance.). Thanks. Directions: Please PM me for directions (if you do not already have them).
  11. it is going to be very similar to the RoW M030 install - except you won't be disassembling the spring/struts. Your's should be a little easier - just like replacing shocks. Don't forget to get a full alignment ASAP after the install.
  12. Try unplugging it before you start the car and see if the noise is not there. Don't forget to plug it back in or you will get a CEL.
  13. If you have an -01 cap and you still suspect a leak get the cap tested or replace it. A cap leak is usually small - and a cracked tank is usually quite large. Sometime a crack in the tank is impossible to see until it is removed.
  14. Can youplease tel me wher the Alarmcontact spot is? Thank you What is the model number on your radio?
  15. Hmm... don't know what to tell you - maybe I have longer arms ;)
  16. I agree with RFM - looks like he/she turned PSM off.
  17. Did you remove the left rear wheel? It will be easier to reach if you do.
  18. The sensors could be contaminated if they got sprayed with oil or something else.
  19. Try 1513 or 1511
  20. Tools Pants can give the details - but yes.
  21. that may be true, but I'd assume that most late model racecars are running the stronger turbo/GT2/GT3 dry sump block That is what the poster was asking about -- an X50 is a 996 TT with the upgraded engine.
  22. GT3 Mk1 wheels were: Front: 18 x 8 ET 52 Rear: 18 x 10 ET 65 GT3 Mk2 wheels were: Front: 18 x 8.5 ET 40 Rear: 18 x 11 ET 63 So I am not sure what you have. You will need spacers either way.
  23. Sorry, I don't think measurements will tell you what springs you have - would only be a guess.
  24. Boxster muffler mounts vary by year model somewhat. perhaps it would help if you said what year/engine.
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