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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Maybe start by checking the fluid level.
  2. Try 9224 or 9222
  3. :welcome: Please do a search here this has been covered many many times.
  4. I am not recommending anything beyond 18" wheels - I am saying 18" wheels are ok on MY99-MY05 cars.
  5. P0734 Gear monitoring, 4th gear - signal implausible Potential causes: - ATF level not OK. - Mechanical/hydraulic fault in transmission. - 34 (e.g. solenoid valve does not operate despite correct electrical triggering) - Solenoid valves - Valve chamber - Transmission
  6. Harbor Freight -- $7.99 100 Piece Security Bit Set
  7. For a MY03 996 the correct plugs are FGR 5KQE0 - part number 999.170.223.90 Looks like they gave you Cayenne plugs.
  8. Shouldn't be anything special - just top up the power steering pump reservoir until all the air bleeds out.
  9. Yes, I was suggesting a trade for a Turbo 996.
  10. You will likely get a small bump (less than 10 HP) from headers and sport exhaust. The plain answer is Boxster's and Carrera's are pretty much maxed out - if you want a lot more more trade for a Turbo. The Turbo's actually respond very well to exhaust and chipping.
  11. My advice is - save your money. None will give you any more HP, perhaps a little more induction noise, and most often a damaged MAF. (IMHO)
  12. :welcome: I doubt that could have been done with a PST2 or PIWIS - more likely a 3rd party re-programming tool. I have seen DME's trashed (made unprogramable) by a bad 3rd party flash. You need to see the MAF readings at idle and 2500 RPM to see if it is a bad MAF or some other problem. It is not an O2 sensor - those faults say your mixture is so rich the DME can not make it lean enough. Where are you located?
  13. :welcome: Please try our search... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=414
  14. Start by checking fuses E9 and E10.
  15. Try 1529 or 1527
  16. Seems pretty odd unless it was over filled, or the cap was overtightened, or the reservoir somehow took a blow that damaged it. I would watch it daily for a week or two and see if you notice level change or other problems.
  17. My model year 1999 Carrerra came with 18" wheels. There was no restriction mentioned in any TSB. Carrera's before MY02 were not recommended to have the X74 suspension upgrade because the chassis was not strengthened like the MY02 and newer cars. Perhaps that is what you were thinking of.
  18. Start by getting the battery tested - regardless of age.
  19. Yes, if you disconnect the battery is does have to re-learn. Just drive it as you normally would - it may take 5 miles or so to re-learn.
  20. Could be just a bad sensor...
  21. Try 4658 or 4656
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