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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Your new engine should have all the latest parts.
  2. I don't think how much you drive has anything to do with it. If is going to happen then it will happen. The percentage of cars (compared to overall sales) is pretty small. There are a lot of Boxsters out there will well over 100,000 miles and no engine failures.
  3. Thanks a lot, Loren. Dealers are indeed astounding. I assume those specs are from the 2007 MY owner's manual(?). According to them, the S and !S 6 speed trannies are the same. However, the ratios for the S posted in the latest Sales Brochure show: 3.31 1.95 1.41 1.13 0.97 0.82 Those ratios at least give a more sane spread between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, than the ones from the owner's manual. Maybe Porsche changed the S's ratios for 2008? Seems unlikely, however. So I guess I'll assume the owner's manual is right for the !S, but there appears to be conflicting data for the S. Thanks again. I actually took those from the MY06 Owner's Manual. The MY07 Owner's Manual is here online to download.
  4. Dealers never cease to astound me... from the Boxster Owner's Manual (found in every car).
  5. You are correct, it can not be programmed without the barcode tag.
  6. This isn't a replacement cluster is it? If so, it may not be programmed correctly.
  7. The instructions I posted in post #2 of this thread are for V6 Cayenne. The correct spark plug for a MY05 Cayenne V6 is 955.170.219.90 Spark Plug IZKR7B
  8. Double check that all of teh connectors are firmly locked in place on cluster.
  9. Adjusting Hood Latch Mechanism
  10. That will depend on what the fault code is that turned the airbag light on.
  11. The need to look at the mass air flow with a tester and see if it is changing and within spec (to see if the MAF is working properly).
  12. Are both lights on and you get a display message? or just both lights? Yes both lights are on and display message "psm not working drve to workshop" Then you will likely need to find a shop with a PST or PIWIS tester to diagnose the problem.
  13. US MSRP on the fuel pump is $308.86 - I am sure Sunset Imports can do much better than that. Labor sounds pretty high to me. I would get a quote from an independent Porsche shop. Make sure they have a PST2 or PIWIS as they will need to calibrate the fuel gauge after replacement.
  14. 996.551.980.298.VRK Lining in black leather -- US MSRP $706.20 I do not see any options for deviated stitching - if that were available then it would likely be a special order (and about 2 months to delivery).
  15. Probably not related to the coils problem. The coils problem can cause stumbling and/or hesitation and/or misfires. TSBs (all of them) are available here to view for our Contributing Members. Contributing Members can view TSBs online, use the Retail Price Search feature, and access the Contributors Only Forum. They can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and a personal Blog. Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but many members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist.
  16. Try 0837 or 0835
  17. Hmm... Check your brake lights. If they do not come on - then that is the cause. If the brake lights work then you might try a new MAF.
  18. 4000 RPM in 5th gear (Tiptronic) is over 110 MPH. Very few places you can do that sustained.
  19. Looks normal too me. If you do not get your engine hot or do short drives what you see is normal. As long as there is no oil in your coolant you should be fine.
  20. Try 8846 or 8844 Neither one worked, I guess I'm at the mercy of the dealer? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  21. Try 8846 or 8844
  22. Loren

    Motor oil

    Yes, and it is the ONLY Porsche approved 5W50....last I read in Panomara. Yes, Mobil 1 5W-50 is the only 5W-50 on the 11 page March 2008 Approved Oils List.
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