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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Here is the parts list. I do not know if any additional wiring is needed but I suspect that you will need to change some settings using a PIWIS. 997_TPMS_parts.pdf
  2. Wait... are you talking about the door sill with the front and rear latch handles? If so, see the DIY here -- they are plane hex and they don't need to come all the way out.
  3. Easiest is to swap the coil pack with the next cylinder and see if the misfire follows it.
  4. Leave the center console cover open/ajar. You get a beep when any zone is closed.
  5. As I recall if you buy the kit everything is included.
  6. I'm upgrading the Internal and Exterior Rear-view mirrors to Auto-Dimming. The TSB says to disconnect the battery first, then remove the seat, and disconnect the wiring harness. I need to partially remove the driver's side door sill in order to run the correct cables from the mirror to underneath the seat. The TSB mentions "Weld Point 21" under the seat... i'm not exactly sure where this is, but I have to connect a wire there as well. So far, it looks as though the door sill is held on by 3 HEX Security type bolts (not torx). Not sure what size, not sure where to get tool. Harbor Freight $7.99 Hex end to 1/4'' drive adapter, magnetic hex bit driver, hook hanging bit ('Y- design), 1/4'' hex to 1/4'' socket drive bit and 1/4'' hex wobble adapter; also includes 8 Phillips, 8 Pozi drive, 9 slotted, 4 spanner, 9 torque, 4 tri-wing, 9 hollow tip torque, 3 torque-set, 9 metric hex, 4 square, 10 SAE hex, 3 spline, 6 hollow metric hex, 6 hollow SAE hex and 3 clutch bits;
  7. Only if they are damaged on removal - make sure you use the right tools.
  8. If you are asking about item 6 then it is available. Anything else means a new headlight...
  9. I would just add as much negative camber as you can and stay within the specs. Tire wear will increase - but so will handling.
  10. All 2000 and newer Boxsters are eGas.
  11. Covered here before also... E12 Torx socket - some folks say a US 3/8" socket will also work.
  12. There are many other minor parts changes.
  13. When did you last change the ATF? If not recently I would start with that.
  14. I assume you mean 1998 (1999) 996 C4? If so, it is: 900 g refrigerant R 134a
  15. Page numbers differ in different model year owners manuals. But, it is in every owners manual.
  16. Time for a new battery?
  17. Replacing the Gas Door Actuator, for Carrera (996) or Boxster (986)
  18. Are you sure they did what they said? If so, unplug the MAF and see if idle and low speed running are affected.
  19. Did you check the instructions and diagrams in your Owner's Manual?
  20. According to Porsche... 3.6 liter mufflers can be used on either a 3.4 or 3.6 liter car (because they are larger). 3.4 liter mufflers should not be used on 3.6 liter engines (because they are smaller).
  21. Most of those have been covered here already (in plain English).
  22. If there temperature (10-20 degrees) does not change then they likely do not drive in heavy stop n' go traffic.
  23. I don't think how much you drive has anything to do with it. If is going to happen then it will happen. The percentage of cars (compared to overall sales) is pretty small. There are a lot of Boxsters out there will well over 100,000 miles and no engine failures. sorry i am a silly newbie who posted this post in the wrong section I have a 1999 996 C4 tip S cab and I worry over the bore liner prob sleepless nights lol after market warranties are not worth the paper they are written on when you have a claim they will default it some how .... I know these cars have an issue you hear it oh so often the local indy has 10 bore liner engines sitting in his work shop Your concerns have been replied to elsewhere - I think we have seen enough "the sky is falling messages". You should also read ... Reliability of 996 Engines, Article by Jim Pasha
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