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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Removing the Amber on the Headlights
  2. Yes, depending on the tire manufacturer.
  3. Try 9027 or 9025
  4. The only thing you might need IPAS codes for would be changing the odometer - but if the odometer is over 52 miles then it can't be changed with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  5. Try 0210 or 0208
  6. Try 6439 or 6437
  7. B13 (blue connector) is the speedometer signal. Too my knowledge there are no optical connections on the instrument cluster - optical is only used for the audio system network (MOST).
  8. Please do a search here -- there are several current threads discussing this.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply. I am not familiar with the CAN Bus? Is it something I can access and tap into? Where is it located? Some of the more sophisticated telemetry systems use the CAN bus - you can tap in at the cluster or the DME. The cluster I assume you mean the instrument cluster? On the DME/ECU can you tell me what lead to tap into? Does it have some kind of identification? Do you know where I can get a swithced 12 volt as well? Thanks Some of the more sophisticated telemetry systems use the CAN bus - Do you have a system theat can pick up network (CAN) data?
  10. Try 5408 or 5406
  11. Try 5541 or 5539
  12. Sorry, not trying to confuse more. I meant reverse the engine - the pulleys face the rear on a Carrera and they face the front on a Boxster. Some folks don't realize that.
  13. Thanks...that's great information and FAST!!! Cheers One more question Loren...if you don't mind. My local dealer says the MAF needs to be replaced but the car runs and starts perfectly, at all times as far as I can tell. I'm a little overwhelmed by using the search method right now!! Anything else I can check first...to kill the CEL? Cheers. An MAF problem is most noticeable above 4000 RPM. If your car runs well above 4000 RPM then I guess I don't know what the problem is.
  14. Easy enough to have the battery tested at your local auto parts store. I have seen batteries less than 1 year old go bad.
  15. Sorry, no seperate part number. You might try a salvage yard or post a wanted here (in case someone has a handbrake laying around).
  16. Sorry, I have not seen a 997 GT3 service manual so I can't help much more than what you see. Item 24 is just a hook for luggage tie down - and as you can see it does not seem to be bolted in.
  17. Reverse this as it is for a Carrera.
  18. Thanks Loren, interesting indeed- I wonder why the consistent high prices for overall parts / labor? That seems very skewed. Is it tough to replace the relay? That's the only other thing I can think of that might boost the cost... Relay is less than 15 minutes (relay 13 under the dash near the fuse panel)
  19. Porsche Book Time for a fuel pump replacement on a MY02 C2 coupe is: 140 TU (1 hour 40 minutes) That inlcudes: Remove and reinstall the battery Fuel level sender unit remove and reinstall Fuel tank emptying and refilling Fuel level sensor calibration
  20. 996_tt_spoiler_parts.pdf
  21. Yes, they made a change in mid MY2000. Some cars had 996.606.124.00 and some cars had 996.606.125.01. Any MY2000 or newer car can use the (newer design) 996.606.125.01 - if your car already had that MAF - or if you update the DME program to use the 125.01 sensor.
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