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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Not that I can think of other than the rear wheel will be next to some hot parts (mufflers, heat shields, etc.)
  2. P0446 EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) – Below Limit – Purge air line blocked – Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 – Above Limit/Below Limit P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 – Above Limit/Below Limit – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Intake air system leaking – Fuel pressure too low – Volume supply of fuel pump too low – Fuel injectors fouled – Exhaust system leaking My bet on P1128 and P1130 is an air leak. Oil filler hose, AOS, or other manifold leak.
  3. It happens occasionally on 996's too.
  4. Since your car is so new and under warranty I suggest you take it in and have the dealer find the root cause. This is not normal.
  5. Since this image has a tag on it - do you have permission to use it?
  6. That is correct - only comes in silver.
  7. Fan speeds and switch on tests are covered here. I can get to the ballast on my car without removing anything - from the bottom.
  8. I split this post off the Lost Radio Code thread because you are not asking for a code. Thank you for the compliment though. There supposedly was a few CDR-23's that were both MOST and wiring capable - but I have not seen one. Since almost all of the CDR-23 are fiber optic (only) I don't think you will have any luck converting it over. There are better 3rd party radio/NAV systems out there.
  9. Still looking for help so I can have some tunes for the weekend! :D Try 9142 or 9140
  10. Porsche headlight removal and bulb replacement is covered in the Owner's Manual. The post above has had the link removed as it was purely commercial. If you are unsure, please re-read the board Guidelines/Rules. "No commercial posting, signatures, or profile statements (including images) are allowed. Please understand "advertisements" will be either edited or deleted, as it's neither "fair" to those who support this site - nor "us", the RennTech.org community."
  11. Probably. You can test it by doing opening both as you describe then going back and doing each one individually and seeing if there still are bubbles.
  12. Thanks Richard! Here are a couple engine shots.
  13. Try 7285 or 8283
  14. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect June 2008 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For June 2008 the price lists support: US: 220,214 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006) Thanks again to Contributing Member Porschelibrarian!
  15. For Cayenne (Gen2) V8 engines Oil Filter 948.107.222.00 O-ring (if it does not come with the filter) 948.107.322.00 Sealing ring for drain plug 900.123.106.30
  16. cool!!! I found some thread that you just leave the coolant cap off overnight and this should let the air bubbles out..is this true???the other thing I did too is, before I did it, I asked the dealership what kind of coolant I can use. He said that I could use any coolant as long as it is 50/50...so, I used prestone to top it off(this was before I located the leak)...now, i read on one of the thread that i shouldn't mix it and should stay with porsche coolant...and if mixed, it will form a jelly like coolant..can I just flush it with distilled water before I added the porsche coolant with 50%distilled water?? No, just leaving the cap off will not bleed air out. You need to open the bleed valve for a few days and check/top up the level at least daily until it stops going down. If you are doing a complete flush any good coolant for alloy/aluminum engines should be fine. Porsche's coolant is organic.
  17. Weight|Power | bhp/kg | Compared to C2 320bhp C2 -- 1370kg -- 320bhp -- 0.2336 -- 100.00% C4S -- 1495kg -- 320bhp -- 0.2140 -- 91.64% They still pretty close - the C2 is not a light car either...
  18. P0343 Camshaft Position Sensor 1 – Above Limit Check the wiring to the cam sensor (1) and then test the sensor. Check signal wire from DME control module, pin III/20, to CMP sensor for short circuit to B+ (+12 volts). Either repair the wiring or replace the sensor.
  19. Boxster power steering system (from dry) 1.0 liter.
  20. The few of these that I have heard about turned out to be a bad amp.
  21. Have you tried the Registry lately? We have made some backend (database) changes that have sped it up dramatically. You can get your Porsche(s) listed in the Registry today -- and it is FREE. Share with everyone what you drive and what toys and modifications you have. The Registry can also be a useful tool for finding vehicles, mods and getting some valuable insight in things you can do to your Porsche. Either way... a great place to see some great Porsche pictures. Registry
  22. Thanks Loren. I am assuming the plug is #14 right? Yes, and the sealing ring is 15. Do you need the part numbers?
  23. I agree with RFM looks like a oil filler leak... or a really sloppy job of adding oil. I would clean it up and see if it comes back.
  24. Curious, should the fan be always on after warm up? middle is around 175F and is on above 158F. Fan - which fan? - air injection fan should only come on for a couple minutes at start up. - the engine compartment purge fan should come on only when the engine compartment gets very hot. - the front fender fans should come on (to stage one) at prescribed temperatures and to stage two (fast) at high temps and when the AC is on.
  25. You can also follow the 996 instructions in the 996 DIY section. They will be very close to identical.
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