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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996 612 070 30 Electric wiring harness (for fixed rear wing aerokit) I do not have a diagram of what is different on this harness.
  2. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (7 TSBs total): 996 - 1 (found missing TSB from 2002) Cayenne (gen 1) - 3 Cayenne (gen 2) - 3
  3. P0420 Catalytic Converter Conversion Too Low (Cylinders 1 - 3) Potential causes: Bad Three Way Converter (cat) You did not read that here. That is not true.
  4. Do a search here for "drains". You will find locations and cleaning instructions.
  5. For oil changes? I'm afraid I disagree - perhaps the largest ripoff in the industry.
  6. The C4 and C4S parts are already in the parts lists. If you order a MY2009 C2 right now you will likely see it it in September. I suspect the C4 and C4S are not far behind.
  7. I have found that TSB and added it here. The TSB talks about reduced factory fill and a new dipstick.
  8. Item 5 996.505.986.00 spoiler lip -- MSRP $76.34 I am sure Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) has a much better price. You may also need the attaching plastic rivets 999.507.427.40 (11 required) -- MSRP $0.21 each
  9. You already posted this question once - please re-read the board the Guidelines/Rules about double posting. "Please post your messages in one forum only. Crossposting, double posting, triple posting, etc. are all a waste of time and valuable resources. If you post the same message in multiple times or in multiple forums, we will delete the ones we feel are inappropriate."
  10. You can reset it with the Durametric Software, a PST2, or PIWIS tester.
  11. The only "approved oil" is: 999 917 547 00 Esso ATF LT 71141 – 20 liter container You might ask a knowledgeable oil supply for an equivalent.
  12. Try 7199 or 7197 Neither worked :( Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  13. Does "P" show in the cluster signifying you are in Park?
  14. Try 7199 or 7197
  15. Did you look on the back of fuse door - all cars come with them originally. I do not have any 2008 schematics yet (which is normal for Porsche).
  16. Start by cleaning the throttle body.
  17. Most of this has been covered elsewhere and there are plenty of other folks that can answer this and give you their opinions. For my car I use: I use Mobil 1 0W-40 (although I used 15W-40 when I spend a lot of time at the track) I run 32 front and 36 rear (cold) - but for most folks you likely want to stick with the factory specs of 36 front and 44 rear. I believe that tire pressures need to be dependent on your driving style. So, there is not a tire pressure that works for everyone. But somewhere between those ranges should be good for most folks.
  18. Well, let's start by moving this thread to the Cayman forum (rather than 997). P23 is an order guide option number rather than the Porsche option code on the car. Likely the option code on the car's option sticker is I610 P23 = PCM 2.1 w/Extended Navigation Allows navigation on unmapped roads via GPS and compass.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11667 996.512.250.00 Rear Wall -- MSRP $84.20 (as of June 2008) Sunset Imports for $68.24 (as of August 2007)
  20. JMHO but I think you are asking for trouble installing two alarms on the car and expecting to use the same circuits.
  21. Thanks, I'll have a look on the next 9x7 series I see.
  22. Model and year of your car please...
  23. Thank you RFM. We know you can reset it with a PIWIS - do you know if you can change the interval (from 1 year to 2 years)?
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