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Everything posted by Loren

  1. +remove +console +remove +cluster +remove +trim
  2. Please post your request in the Lost Radio thread.
  3. Yes, fan 1 is the front left and fan 2 is front right. and yes, the ballast can be changed by itself.
  4. Front or rear? or both? Please do a search for this - all has been covered several times.
  5. Get the fault code as it will tell you exactly which buckle (or other part) is causing the light.
  6. Chances are you have a bad ballast, stuck relay, or bad fan.
  7. Chuck, Same exact symptoms on my 996 C2 last year. It was the water pump. Phillipj I think Chuck's point is that is is more often than not a hose on a 996TT - after all it is a very different engine.
  8. Yes, but the part number should end in D05 which is the color code - granite grey
  9. Sorry, you can only get PCM codes from a dealer.
  10. In the past they have come out in late June early July.
  11. There should be an option list sticker on the underside of the front trunk. Write the numbers down then look them up on the option code lookup tables here. If you don't see option 030 (sport suspension) then you have a stock suspension. Loren, Do you know if all 2002 996 C4S's come with the M030 suspension? I checked my option code sticker and M030 isn't listed. Thanks All US C4S came with US Sport Suspension.
  12. What tool did you use? Is it capable of viewing pending faults?
  13. Hi everyone, newbie to the forum. 1st Porsche also, a 04' cs. I just purchased this vehicle on an off lease. I had one of the dealers pull all the records for me and it looks like all the recall stuff had been done. I am experiencing the same issue with a rough idle and only when it's hot. After a night of cool down, it runs fine. I was wondering if your porblem was ever resolved and with what. I get a CEL and then it goes away. I know that I need to pull the code and should have the DuraMetric tool some time next week. Just lookin' for some insight. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Without the code(s) everything is just a wild guess.
  14. Replacing the Gas Door Actuator
  15. Yes, you need the fault code(s) to pinpoint the problem.
  16. Try 0742 or 0740
  17. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  18. Try 8333 or 8331
  19. I don't know about the O2 sensor. Some folks here have reported problems with aftermarket O2 sensors and some folks have had no problems with them.
  20. Do you think that could explain the issue??? what would you recommend? Sorry to ask this stupid question but what does IMHO means? Thanks. You need to make your own decision but I run 2 bars (down from the top) - and I don't get smoke at all.
  21. Running your oil level at max is too high for the track (IMHO).
  22. My understanding is that MY97, 98, and 99 were 2.5 liter and the 2.7 liter engine started in MY2000.
  23. The only way you can get both the OBD II (emissions) fault codes and the other control fault codes is by getting both the OBD II manual (for your model year) and the service manual (for your model year). There are quite a few more controllers in the 9x7 series cars so more potential fault codes. Remember having a fault code does not always require a fix. Sometimes the problem corrects itself and sometimes it points to a real problem. Sometimes faults can be gererated by simply disconnecting the battery. Like anything they need to be taken into context with any problem you may be having. So what (if anything) is wrong with your car?
  24. No, I have not personally done this job. Those instructions are from the Porsche Service manual so they should be spot on.
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