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Everything posted by Loren

  1. ok, followed the steps and this is wat i came up with: type: 4462 cdr-220 srl#: w5006540 thanks u so much Try 5188 or 5186
  2. hi loren - I had looked at this post before.. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...9entry719 i thought that clip was to remove the vent and not the trim piece. I see it now and how it works. Do you have a partnumber for those 2 clips in section 3 of the removal image? Thanks The two clips on top of the vent are riveted on the vent (as I recall) and not available separately. If you broken them you will need a new (or used) vent - sorry.
  3. Porsche changed their coolant a couple years ago - all Porsche coolant is compatible (new and old). Why do you think you need a flush? Unless the coolant gets contaminated I see no need to do a flush.
  4. Search is your friend - this has been covered here many times. As of MY02 the top horseshoe has a clip that is inside the center vent that must be released with a screwdriver. Please do a search for more info and pics.
  5. If the "pill" transponder is not damaged you could easily convert to the Design key and get new "inerds". With the Design Key conversion you just transfer your transponder pill to the new key. See the TSB on this.
  6. Why would bad gas affect on one cylinder. Sorry, if the codes always point to cylinder 3 - then something is wrong at cylinder 3.
  7. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  8. As I recall almost one inch lower than stock with PSS9s. I would change the sway bars too - that will be one low very stiff street car. I predict a bent wheel or two...
  9. I was just going to start a new thread with a very similar problem. It started last week, and after I started my car at work, it seemed a little rough, but not too bad, then about 6 miles later while doing about 75MPH, the car starts to run rough, like going over bad pavement, then the CEL flashes about 5 times, then stays on. When the CEL stays on, the car is fine and back to normal. I went home and got out my code reader, and accidently clicked on "clear codes". So today, after about 60 miles of everything being OK, the same exact thing happened. This time I got P0303, and P1315. I know that P0303 is misfire in cylinder 3, and P1315 is misfire in cylinder 3, emission relevant. I also just bought durametric, but I not sure if clearing with the cheap code reader, if durametric will still be able to pull up the codes. My 99 996 has about 24K on it now, and has been working great. Could this a bad MAF, or o2 sensor? Thanks! All the codes point cylinder 3 - I would check the coil pack and the spark plug on cylinder 3.
  10. According to the Service Department, the CPO will pay for the engine exchange. But doesn't this create all types of new issues like resale value? What would you do? Resale value? It could go up... ask them I think your new engine will have a 2 year warranty.
  11. What is the date on the brochure? (I am sure Porsche reserves the right to change anything they fell like... LOL).
  12. How to remove stripped drain plug?
  13. Johnson, I think you may be incorrect. The information I have clearly states: "...plus revised, race-tuned camshafts and cylinder heads..." This is directly from a bruchure I received from a Porsche dealership. Have a look at TSB 7/05 1001 Performance Increase Kit Installation Instructions (l No. X51) -- dated Apr 12, 2007 No mention of camshaft changes. The 996 X51 used different camshafts. Perhaps the very early 997's got a camshaft change - but now they all use the same camshafts.
  14. Certainly worth trying a new battery.
  15. Not too thick and able to take hot and cold.
  16. That is the only engine serial number that I am aware of. Cam covers are matched to heads as are a few other parts but I do not believe that there are any other serial numbers in the engine.
  17. Fault code 4460 Pressure sensor Pressure sensor actual value is evaluated and displays an implausible value. Possible cause of fault - Short circuit to ground/8+ or open circuit - Plug connection on stop light switch faulty - Incorrect adjustment of the stop light switch - Wiring/plug connection between pressure sensor and control module faulty - Pressure sensor faulty NOTE: A malfunction of the stop light switch can cause this fault. The stop light switch must have switched before a brake pressure is recognized. When the brake pedal is actuated, the stop light switch and the brake lights are triggered. The brake pressure on the pressure sensor is 0 bar. So, check your brake lights first.
  18. Try 3191 or 3189 Maybe I need to provide you more detail information about the unit because so unfortunate. It didn't not work. I tried several more combinations per other link. CDR220 Type 4462 Seri 15087920 24/99 Gal 00 That's about it. I really hope you can find an alternate code for me. Thank You for such a quick reply, Loren! Kevin Han :renntech: You didn't read this did you? Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  19. Try 3191 or 3189
  20. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  21. Time to put a PST2 or PIWIS on the car and find out what is going on. Ask your local independent shop if they one of these tools.
  22. PSE is loud by default. So just install the muffler and you are good to go.
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