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Everything posted by Loren

  1. No that consumption is not normal. You either have an external leak or an internal leak. Check the obvious first - look for leaks under the car, check the tank cap and coolant tank itself (for cracks). 996TT is also know to blow a hose off - but if that happened you would have lost most all of your coolant.
  2. That makes two of us then - I agree the 997 cats have the sensor in the middle. Will it work? Who knows - the DME in the 997 is different and may have a program for that cat.
  3. For MY08 987 the -60 filter is what the parts list calls out.
  4. I don't remember seeing one like that on a 3.6 liter (but I am old and my memory is not as good as it used to be). Perhaps a 3.6 liter owner could look at theirs and confirm one way or the other.
  5. 996.522.321.01.01C Left actuating lever -- US MSRP $1.16 996.522.322.01.01C Right actuating lever -- US MSRP $1.16
  6. You do not say if you are in the US or not? If you are... http://www.usdoj.gov/civil/ocl/monograph/odom.htm
  7. Try 0763 or 0761
  8. According to the Major Maintenance Checklist (in our Contributing Members Download area). Additional maintenance for drive belt - Check drive belt at 40,000 miles (60,000 km) or every 4 years - Check drive belt at 100,000 miles (150,000 km) or every 10 years - Check drive belt at 160,000 miles (240,000 km) or every 16 years The procedure is the same as the one in the 996 DIY section.
  9. Are you sure where they came from? Do you have a pic and part number(s)?
  10. 3 bolts at the top of each strut and 1 at the bottom mount. If all are tight look for a broken shock or spring.
  11. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  12. Try 8601 or 8599
  13. Check for loose rear swaybar mounts.
  14. Did you see our VIN decoder? Here
  15. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (Sunset Porsche) - just click on the link near the top center of any page.
  16. Try 0951 or 0949
  17. Yes, as long as they use the tips from the older mufflers.
  18. It should only come on for a few seconds when you turn the key on.
  19. The DME would need to be reprogrammed to that countries standards, cats would likely need to be changed too. He should check the local laws because in some cases you can get a deferral.
  20. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  21. Try 8846 or 8844
  22. Please do a search here - this topics has been covered many many many times here.
  23. For 9x7 series cars the 6 ranges are: Range 1: 7300-7500 RPM Range 2: 7500-7700 RPM Range 3: 7700-7900 RPM Range 4: 7900-8400 RPM Range 5: 8400-9500 RPM Range 6: 9500-11000 RPM You really don't need to worry about anything other than ranges 4 to 6.
  24. Did you miss this part? "14 mm and the pitch is 1.5"
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