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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Looks a little complex as they changed based on the cars VIN. Here is the info: 955 628 939 02 wiper blade set driver's side passenger's side with cover VIN (up to) From >>9P8LA 10166 From >>9P8LA 40068 From >>9P8LA 90044 or 955 628 939 10 wiper blade set driver's side passenger's side VIN (greater than or equal to) From 9P8LA 10167>> From 9P8LA 40069>> From 9P8LA 70001>> From 9P8LA 90045>>
  2. See the same topic I referenced above - topic covers both coupe and cab.
  3. :welcome: Many questions have already been covered here - please use our search feature to look for answers first. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7073
  4. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  5. Oil/coolant mix would be very unusual on a 996TT.
  6. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=53989
  7. You should read through all of this topic... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7791
  8. Unclip the cover over the roll-over protection system at the rear, unscrew the Torx screws at the front, and lift the cover up and off.
  9. Try 0799 Loren, 0799 will not work, as this radio only has 6 buttons, with digits 1 through 6. Any other suggestions (it is either a Blaupunkt or Alpine radio, I understand). Thanks Gary Knox Sorry, I have tried the decoders I have and the only one that will accept that serial number gives 0799. Sorry.
  10. Scouser - I do hope this is public or you have permission to re-distribute this?
  11. The bulb is only held in by the metal clip on each end. This is a very common type of bulb and clip. Just carefully bend the clip back a little to release the bulb. New one goes in the same way.
  12. From the Technik book... "Tuning flap The resonance intake system is a two-stage version through the switchable tuning flap between the intake distributors inside the perpendicular resonance pipe. This switchable, two-stage resonance intake system can be used to adjust the air oscillations in the intake system to the respective engine speeds to ensure high torques even at low rpms, an even torque curve and high maximum output. This is achieved by having the tuning flap closed at full throttle between 2,600 rpm and 5,100 rpm, but open at lower and higher speeds."
  13. Try 4962 or 4960
  14. P0660 Electric tuning flap Possible fault causes - Short circuit to B+/ground or open circuit in the control line - Open circuit of power supply to tuning flap solenoid valve - Tuning flap solenoid valve faulty - DME control module faulty
  15. You will need to clean the cosmoline off to read the serial number.
  16. Measure the current at the battery - 40- 60 ma is pretty normal.
  17. The cap should end in part number -01 or 02. Caps with part number -00 are known to leak. Caps are under $15.
  18. 2 - 2.5 liters is quite a bit more than normal consumption IMHO.
  19. Please do a search here as alternate power has been discussed many times. Most folks use the phone prep cable behind the front center console it has both switched and unswitched power and ground.
  20. Try 0799
  21. 996.522.421.00.01C Stop -- US MSRP $3.79 each
  22. Then your recourse will depend on the laws where you are.
  23. :lol: I heard of more broken pulleys than broken belts...
  24. Sorry, but in most cases that means your sychros are worn and you likely need a rebuild or exchange transmission.
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