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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  2. Yes, that is correct. Yes and no. There is only one fuel filter and it is under the car (as shown above) on C2 and Boxsters. On C4 and MY02 and later cars (including C4S) it mounts next to the coolant tank. I think am missunderstanding something - for MY02 C2 is the first quote correct (fuel filter integrated with the fuel pump) or is the second quote correct (fuel filter mounted next to the coolant tank)? Or is it some combination of the two? David The fuel system and fuel return changed in MY02. So, previous to MY02 the fuel filter was either under the center of the car (C2) or mounted on the coolant tank (C4). Prior to MY02 the fuel filter was to be changed every 30,000 miles. As of MY02 and the returnless fuel system - the fuel filter is integrated with the fuel pump and never needs to changed unless the tank is contaminated.
  3. From a warranty point of view it does not matter if you do it, a 3rd party shop does it, or a dealer does it. As long as it is performed on time, that it is complete and it is documented there can be no claim of abuse.
  4. Yes, there is a 30,000 miles service for a MY04 Boxster. You can find the info at the link below http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...nt_box_us_mj_04
  5. The new switch/sensor is 997.641.503.00 -- US MSRP $21.95 It has its own sealing surface.
  6. Item 3 is your MAF. To remove it for cleaning or replacement you will need a Security Torx T20. I bought a complete set of security Torx drivers at Harbor Freight for under $5.
  7. Did you check the pump reservoir liquid level? this is the hydraulic pump that raises / lowers the entire top system. It is a common issue where after a few years the liquid level gets too low. There are very detailed instructions to do this. My 03 started acting up... and level was low... adding about 8 oz... fixed it perfectly I am new to a 996 Cabriolet. Can you please tell me where the instructions for filling the pump reservoir liquid level is? I looked in the manual and cannot find any mention of it! Thanks! Sylvan Wells :welcome: Try our search feature - it works really well. Cabrio Top Hydraulic Fluid Step by Step
  8. If it smells sweet it is coolant.
  9. 996.505.986.00 spoiler -- US MSRP $76.34 I am sure the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche parts at Dealer Cost) can get a better price for you.
  10. The cap can leak (especially if it ends in 00) and the sensor at the bottom of the coolant tank is also a known problem. There are other hoses but none that would leak onto the exhaust (that I recall).
  11. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  12. Sounds like a cracked coolant tank to me.
  13. 2 beeps means there is an uncorrectable alarm fault. 1 beep usually means one zone is open.
  14. If you have a MY99 then you have a dipstick too. What does the dipstick show?
  15. Sorry, turns out only the left side (drivers side) mirror can be flat or aspherical. The right mirror (passenger side) is convex. Part number 996.731.038.03 -- US MSRP $45.66
  16. Yes, you can buy just the glass mirror. Flat or aspherical?
  17. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  18. P0107 Ambient Pressure Sensor – Below Limit Possible cause: Short circuit to ground P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Lower Load Range, Bank 1 – Below Limit P1133 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Lower Load Range, Bank 2 – Below Limit Possible causes: – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Fuel pressure too high – Fuel injector fouled In most cases this is a bad MAF sensor. P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 – Below Limit P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 – Below Limit Possible causes: – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Fuel pressure too high – Fuel injector leaking – EVAP canister purge valve open Again start with the MAF.
  19. Fault 33 Passenger compartment monitoring sensor faulty Fault 34 Passenger compartment monitoring sensor Short circuit to B+ or faulty Fault 59 Central locking limit position Safe not reached The fault 33 and 34 say that the passenger side compartment sensor is likely faulty. Fault 59 is fairly common and is thought to be possible if you press the lock on the remote before the door is closed. Usually nothing to worry about.
  20. I think you might get around this but programming MOST and telling it there is no radio.
  21. Try 7021 or 7019
  22. Try 6980 or 6978
  23. Try 9654 or 9652
  24. Scouser - I do hope this is public or you have permission to re-distribute this? Yup the link is a URL to the site who both authored it and is hosting it. Cant get anymore public than that. Don't need permission as I just posted a link to their site. Ok, thanks - I just wanted to be sure.
  25. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories (10 TSBs total): 986 - 1 987 - 3 996 - 2 996TT - 1 997 - 1 997TT -1 All - 1 The TSB in the Other/All category is the 2008 TSB Index (as of April 2008).
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