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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It will come in monthly mailing from Porsche (some dealers get these via Porsche's network nightly). We pay for a subscription so they come Fed Ex once a month. Sometimes Porsche does not deliver on time (surprise - surprise - surprise) and I get 3 months worth of TSBs/Workshop Campaigns at one time. I usually get them posted for our Contributing Members within 24 hours of the time I get them. Unfortunately I have no control over Porsche's delivery.
  2. You can make any of those items fit - for some (facelift parts) the cost will be much higher. It is purely aesthetics (at street speeds) so do what you like.
  3. Model and year of your car please?
  4. Todd Holyoak is the expert on these swaps but I think it would be helpful to know: - which fuel intake did you use - did you go from egas (Boxster engine) to egas (Carrera engine) The only adjustment I know is to program the DME as either a Boxster or Carrera program.
  5. The fuel door does have a lock and it is part of the factory alarm system. Do I have to remove the fender to fix this? That alone could be a nightmare let alone finding the part number for the sliding lock. Im sure I can hear the thing trying to lock when I activate the alarm. Hey Loren, can you confirm the alian lick things are different on each side? I got the tossa who put the handsfree kit in to fix it so I only get One beep now. Had to take it back twice coz he pinched the microphone wire when reconnection an alarm cable he forgot to do! No, you do not remove the fender. Replacing the Gas/Fuel Door Actuator
  6. That must be a new campaign - I don't have it yet.
  7. Correct a CDR-23 is MOST (fiber optic) and will only work in MY03 and newer cars. For the CDR-220 try 1453 or 1451 CDR-23 is linked to the car with a PST2 or PIWIS tester - it does not have a code.
  8. Sorry, (where was my head)... Should be "garbage". Ask them if they can look up the Campaign number - it likely starts with W or A.
  9. yes you are correct , that the cluster supports it, but my quiestion is if my 2005 c2 equipped with the wiring to connect the tpms control unit /? that would be sweet if it does thanks in advance All Carrera's have custom wire harnesses made at the factory. So, if it was not a factory option - chances are the wiring is not there.
  10. Try 8692 or 8690
  11. It is the one motor that moves the spoiler up or down. The electrical works the same either way - so I would look for binding and if there is none that pretty much leaves the motor.
  12. Adjusting Hood Latch Mechanism
  13. Tool Pants, Based on the fact that the OEM Porsche part uses a plastic one instead of a metal one incase it explodes and rubs on the engine case, would it be better to purchase the Porsche OEM part over an aftermarket one? I need to replace mine and I have found several brands ranging from $98.00 cheap - OEM Porsche $315.00 - AC-Delco $545. Is there any to stay away from? Thanks Rick $300 is list price from Porsche - have you tried a quote from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) - just click the link near the top of any page.
  14. What does it do when you manually actuate it with the switch?
  15. Try 2424 or 2422
  16. Correct a CDR-23 is MOST (fiber optic) and will only work in MY03 and newer cars. For the CDR-220 try 1453 or 1451
  17. Well, the G would have to be an E to be a MY84.
  18. To some degree yes. Look for the two rubber bump stops on the inside front edges of the hood. It is also possible that your front bumper is not proper aligned. When properly aligned the front bumper should be even to just slightly higher than the front hood (otherwise you will have wind noise).
  19. He couldn't tell me when I went out there. He said it is "failing sensor" Sorry, without the fault codes everything is just a guess... I know, If he doesn't give me the code, I can read it when I get the car back. :welcome: Did you look at the DIY menu at the top of the page? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...e&code=menu
  20. The GS would indicate a 1986 model year built in Stuttgart. Where are you reading the VIN from?
  21. Here is what we got back when I had a friend run your VIN in the Porsche system. But if he used the suggested (by the program) VIN it says the car is a 1986 - so i am not sure that is right either.
  22. I do not know for sure. Since he had to turn the display off - that would seem to indicate that the new cluster supports it.
  23. :welcome: The VIN you posted is not a valid VIN. Please doubt check the VIN from the car and/or your registration. Also, please do not ask folks to make illegal copies of manuals here. You agreed to then following when you registered here: "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board."
  24. TP, can the bearing be removed from the case and shaft from behind that cover? Thanks. Usually there is a lot more damage than just the bearing (a whole lot more).
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