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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Loren would be able to replace the buckle, Before I removed the seat I had to unplug the electric clip that controls the seat, could that have anything to do with it? None of the testers that I know of at Autozone can reset airbag lights. You can only reset an airbag light with the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  2. The ICV should turn freely and not be all gummed up. It is a solenoid so you can put 12 volts to it and see/hear if it actuates. I have seen them so sticky they won't move and I have also seen bad solenoids.
  3. Those shots were taken on my PST2 using the Instrument cluster Actual Values. If you cover the sensor in the cluster it should change dramatically - likewise if you shine a flashlight at it.
  4. That means you have an "open" alarm zone. A working alarm does not beep at all.
  5. It is a different circuit depending on whether you have the rain sensor option (M265) or not. Do you have this option?
  6. :welcome: Your dealer needs to brush up on his service bulletins. If you go to our TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) page for the Cayenne (here) and do a search for PCM it will come back with 20 TSBs for PCM systems. Updates, installs, and of course fixes for problems. Our Contributing Members here can read these TSBs here online. Your dealer should put their PIWIS tester on the car and check for PCM/MOST fault codes. They can test and diagnose the system with the tester too.
  7. There is a sensor that looks at ambient light to control the cluster brightness. If you have a PST2, PIWIS, or Durametric software you should be able to test the sensor.
  8. Try 8518 or 8516
  9. As Richard Hamilton said "You really need to get a diagnostic check done with a PST2, PIWIS, or Durametric and see what fault codes come up." These testers will tell you exactly what is wrong - no guessing.
  10. Things to look at: 1. Check the ground wire from the engine to chassis (near the spark plugs it is on the right side of the car on a Carrera but I don't remember which side on a Boxster). 2. If the car was outside there is a chance the alarm box (under the drivers seat) got wet. To check, disconnect the battery; remove the drivers seat and remove and open the box looking for water damage.
  11. P1818 Pressure regulator 2 Possible fault cause: - Short circuit to B+/ground/mutual short circuit or open circuit - Pressure regulator is faulty - Tiptronic control module is faulty P1823 Pressure regulator 3 Possible fault cause: - Short circuit to B+/ground/mutual short circuit or open circuit - Pressure regulator faulty - Tiptronic control module is faulty
  12. Have you tried locking the car manually with the key and then unlocking it the same way (to reset the alarm system)? Is this a US/Canada car or RoW? Where are you located?
  13. Please do a search for OBC hack - this has been covered here in great detail many times.
  14. Hi Loren, Do you happen to know how to get the code for a becker cdR220. It's s/n is 15009805. It's in my 2002 boxster s. Thanks, Ryan Try 5227 or 5225 I tried both of those plus 5226 but no luck. Any other thoughts? Thanks much for the quick response... Ryan Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  15. Try 9920 or 9918
  16. Hi Loren, Do you happen to know how to get the code for a becker cdR220. It's s/n is 15009805. It's in my 2002 boxster s. Thanks, Ryan Try 5227 or 5225
  17. Try 3467 or 3465 Those did not work do I press anything after the #? You don't press anything except the four code numbers at the "Code" prompt.
  18. Try 3467 or 3465
  19. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  20. Could be a bad seat belt buckle (especially if the TSB has not been done) or perhaps the seat belt buckle plug is not plugged in all the way. The Durametric software, a PST2, or PIWIS will tell you exactly what turned the light on - and allow you to turn it off once the problem has been fixed.
  21. Try 9022 or 9020 Hi Loren, Thanks for the codes above. Unfortunately these did not work. I tried 9022, 9020, 9018, 9024, & 9023. Any other suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!! Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  22. :welcome: Spark Plugs 22 ftlb. Ignition coil packs 7.5 ftlb. I would be sure to check the coil packs for cracks (fairly common unless they have been updated recently). There is a TSB on this.
  23. It is kind of back and under the right hand intake distributor. If you need to replace it then the right intake distributor will likely need to come off - still the labor book says it is a 30 minute job.
  24. Adam, Look in the TSB for Sunroof noises - it is all covered there.
  25. :welcome: Please do a search here - this topic has been covered many many times.
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